
  • 网络The Caiman;Caimen
  1. 有几个其他假定亚凯门鳄鳄值得一提。

    There are a few other putative subspecies of Caiman crocodilus worth mentioning .

  2. 眼睛周围有骨脊的凯门鳄;产于从墨西哥南部到阿根廷的地区。

    Caiman with bony ridges about the eyes ; found from southern Mexico to Argentina .

  3. 水流为他们提供了鱼、龟、凯门鳄&一种小型的像美洲鳄的动物。

    Rivers provide prey in the form of fish , turtles , or caimans & small , alligatorlike animals .

  4. 我已经说明了一些迂回路线,我们已经采取措施来达成我们目前的凯门鳄命名。

    I have illustrated some of the circuitous routes we have taken to arrive at our present caiman nomenclature .

  5. 附近需要的所有帮助它可以,但没有援助团体来僵局凯门鳄街。

    The neighborhood needs all the help it can get , but no aid groups have come to Impasse Caiman Street .

  6. 保护区为许多珍稀濒危动物提供保护,例如巨骨舌鱼、亚马逊海牛、黑凯门鳄和两种淡水豚类。

    The site protects key threatened species , including giant arapaima fish , the Amazonian manatee , the black caiman and two species of river dolphin .

  7. 长到如此大的尺寸,是由于它们可以捕食野猪,鹿,鸟,龟,水豚,凯门鳄甚至美洲虎。

    They reach their monumental size on a diet of wild pigs , deer , birds , turtles , capybara , caimans , and even jaguars .

  8. 但是,研究者们发现食人鱼拉帮结伙更多的是为了抵御食肉动物&如河豚、凯门鳄和一些大型鱼类的攻击,而不是忙于觅食。

    However , researchers found that piranha most likely group together as a defense against such predators as river dolphins , caimans and bigger fish , and not to engage in feeding-frenzies .

  9. 亚马逊雨林从那里开始——秘鲁和巴西的边界。在树顶平台上安营扎寨,你可以乘独木舟观赏到凯门鳄,猴子和树懒。

    From there it 's on to the Amazon Rainforest , on the border with Peru and Brazil , and a camp sited on a tree-top platform from which you can kayak to see caiman , monkeys and sloth .

  10. 直到最近,弗罗里达大学的动物学家对鳄鱼的近亲——短吻鳄和凯门鳄进行了研究。它们发现这种说法根本不是一个谜题,它们在吃东西的时候确实是会流眼泪,只是不知道流泪的原因而已。

    It didn 't cry . It 's only been fairly recently that University of Florida zoologists studying crocodile cousins - alligators and caimans - have found that it 's not a myth at all , and they really do cry while they 're eating . They 're just not sure why .