
  • 网络Catherine the Great
  1. 几个世纪以来,人们已在莫斯科地下藏了不少东西:拜占庭图书馆(Byzantinelibraries)、伊凡雷帝(IvantheTerrible)的秘密酷刑室和凯瑟琳大帝(CatherinetheGreat)的地下通道网,所以斯大林也想加入他们的行列也就不足为奇了。

    People have been hiding things beneath Moscow for centuries : Byzantine libraries , Ivan the Terrible 's secret torture chamber , and Catherine the Great 's underground canal network . So it 's unsurprising that Stalin got in on the action .

  2. 在默克尔的桌子上,有一张俄罗斯凯瑟琳大帝的画像,凯瑟琳大帝是另外一个被低估的东德女人。

    On her desk sits a portrait of Russia 's Catherine the Great , another underestimated east German woman .

  3. 这款英国黑啤酒为凯瑟琳大帝酿造,在从波罗的海到圣彼得堡海运时还要用木桶存放。

    Brewed for Catherine the Great , this English stout was originally cask-conditioned to endure the long Baltic voyage to St. Petersburg .