
  • 网络Pteris
  1. 其中凤尾蕨属(Pteris)29种4变种,孢子三裂缝,辐射对称;

    Among them , 29 species 4 variety belong to the genus Pteris .

  2. 凤尾蕨属植物孢子的形态稳定,种间差异明显,但孢子形态特征与孢子体的形态特征是不相关的。

    The spore morphology of Pteris is stable , and the difference between species is distinct , but the features of spore and sporophyte are not related .

  3. 研究了白玉凤尾蕨(PterisCretica‘Albo-lineata’)孢子的无菌培养和常规繁殖方法。

    The spore sterile culture and routine propagation of Pteris cretica'Albo-lineata'were studied respectively .

  4. 热带雨林剑叶凤尾蕨(Pterisensiformis)对光强变化的适应

    Acclimation to Light Environment Changes of a Tropical Rainforest Fern , Pteris ensiformis

  5. 凤尾蕨科的一个蕨类植物属。

    A genus of ferns belonging to the family dennstaedtiaceae .

  6. 研究了西南凤尾蕨的发育过程和孢子的无菌培养方法。

    The development process and spore sterile culture of Pteris wallichiana Agardh .

  7. 本文报道了成功地采用混合土培养剑叶凤尾蕨的孢子,并系统地观察记录其孢子萌发及配子体发育过程。

    We successfully cultivated the spores of P. ensiformis in mixed soil and observed spore germination and gametophytic development by microscopy .

  8. 凤尾蕨的繁殖生物学研究凤尾菇的阳畦栽培试验

    Reproductive biology of pteris cretica and pteris umbrosa A STUDY ON THE CULTIVATION OF PHOENIX MUSHROOM IN OPEN AIR BED METHOD

  9. 剑叶凤尾蕨的孢子呈褐色,赤道面观豆形,极面观三角形,单裂缝。

    The spores are brown , monolete , and bean - shaped in the equatorial view and triangular in the polar view .

  10. 从孢子形态上看,栗蕨属与凤尾蕨属有很大差异,将其放在一个科中不合适。

    The spore morphology of Histiopteris and Pteris is very differential , put genus Histiopteris in family Pteridaceae is not suitable , according to the feature of spore morphology .

  11. 该研究为园艺学研究提供了用孢子人工繁殖剑叶凤尾蕨的方法,也为分子生物学、遗传学和蕨类植物系统学研究提供了基础。

    This study reveals not only the technique of propagation of P.ensiformis with spores for horticulture but also the proper conditions for molecular biology , genetics and systematics study .

  12. 此外,有冷杉、云杉、松、铁杉和桦等属乔木花粉和杜鹃科、唇形科、莎草科灌木和草本植物花粉及凤尾蕨、水龙骨、卷柏等属孢子。

    Besides , pollen of Abies , Picea , Pinus , Tsuga , Betula , Ericaceae , Labiatae and Cyperaceae and spores of Pteris , Polypodium and Selaginella were also observed .