
jìnɡ zī běn
  • net capital
  1. 一如美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)所指出的,中国第三季度净资本流出只有区区110亿美元,远低于贸易顺差加上外商直接投资两者相加的1080亿美元。

    As Bank of America notes , net capital outflows in the third quarter were a paltry $ 11bn versus a trade surplus plus foreign direct investment of $ 108bn .

  2. 例如,2007年,IMF预计所有新兴经济体的经常账户盈余为6900亿美元,另有私人净资本流4950亿美元。

    In 2007 , for example , the IMF forecasts a current account surplus for all emerging economies of $ 690bn and another $ 495bn in private net capital inflows .

  3. Knight补充称,虽然其资本基础受损,但仍能达到净资本要求。

    Knight added that although its capital base had been hurt , it was in compliance with net ­ capital requirements .

  4. 由大型银行组成的国际金融协会(InstituteforInternationalFinance)本周预测,今年流入新兴市场的净资本流动将降至1650亿美元,不及两年前的五分之一。

    The Institute for International Finance , an association of large banks , this week forecast that net capital flows to emerging markets would fall to $ 165bn this year – less than a fifth of the level two years ago .

  5. 而新兴市场国家近年来净资本流入呈下降的趋势。

    The net capital inflows to the EMs has the trend of decrease .

  6. 净资本监管要求变迁对证券公司风险管理的影响

    Net Capital Requirement Evolution and Its Impact on Risk Management of Securities Firms

  7. 中国证券行业的净资本监管体系及其制约因素

    Net Capital Supervisory System in China Securities Sector

  8. 按实际价值计,净资本流入量下降更大。

    In real terms , the drop in net capital flows was even large .

  9. 然而,一个像中国这样的新兴经济体,应该是一个净资本输入国。

    However , an emerging economy like China ought to be a net capital importer .

  10. 二是资本充足性规定的核心指标&净资本及其计算方法的规定。

    Two is the core index of the capital adequacy & net capital and method .

  11. 从国际经验和发展趋势看,证券行业的监管必须逐步构建以净资本为核心的风险监管体系。

    Security companies should set up the net capital-oriented risk regulation system from the experience of developed countries .

  12. 通胀重回两位数水平,实际收入下降,2014年的净资本流出超过1500亿美元。

    Inflation is back to double digits , real incomes are falling and net capital outflow in 2014 exceeded $ 150bn .

  13. 结合风险预算理论,本文探讨了风险预算与证券公司净资本、风险资本的关系。

    Combination of risk budgeting theory , this paper discusses the risk budget and net capital of securities companies , venture capital relations .

  14. 各国在资本充足性监管方面的差异主要体现在净资本计算方法和风险资产的分类和折扣比例上。

    The difference in the supervision of the capital adequacy is mainly the method of net capital the category of venture capital and discount .

  15. 资本盈余的石油出口国,既是净资本输入国,又能充分利用石油生产的收入来发展国内经济的国家。

    The capital surplus oil export country , which is net capital import one , is able to empoly the incomes from oil-products to promote its economic progress .

  16. 公告表示,将根据净资本规模和风险控制等指标择优批准首批符合条件的试点证券公司。

    It said that the brokerages allowed to participate in the program would be decided based on their net capital size and risk capabilities , among other criteria .

  17. 它也再次提醒人们,为什么大额净资本流动已被证明是这么大的不稳定因素:只有在借款人所做的投资可以支付贷款利息时,资本流动才管用。

    It also is another reminder of why large net capital flows have proved so destabilising : they only work if the borrowers are making investments able to service the loans .

  18. 实证表明动态风险预算能在风险可承受范围内提高资本收益率,释放更多的流动性资产,降低净资本规则与资本充足性的压力。

    Evidence shows that the risk of dynamic risk budgeting can improve the return on capital employed within the framework of tolerance , the release of more liquid assets , lower net capital rules and capital adequacy pressures .

  19. 许多经济学家认为,绿地投资的经济意义和效益都超过并购,因为它们会增加一国的净资本存量,增加就业,而不只是变更现有资产的所有权。

    Greenfield investments are regarded by many economists as economically more significant and beneficial than mergers and acquisitions , since they add to countries ' net capital stocks and increase jobs rather than simply transferring ownership of existing assets .

  20. 此外,单一金融机构的借款和贷款余额将不得超过其净资本的100%;任何银行向一切非银行类金融机构发放的贷款不得超过其净资本的25%。

    Outstanding borrowing and lending with a single financial institution wouldn 't be allowed to exceed 100 % of any bank 's own net capital , and any bank 's loans to all nonbank financial institutions wouldn 't be permitted to rise above 25 % of its net capital .

  21. 论文第三章从财务管理战略、融资决策、投资决策、财务风险管理、盈余分配等方面论述了净资本监管体系对我国券商财务管理的影响。

    In the third chapter , the influences of the net capital regulation system on the financial management in the securities companies in China are analyzed in the aspects of the financial management strategies , the financing and investing decisions , the financial risk management and the allocation of earnings .

  22. 国际金融协会(InstituteofInternationalFinance)预计,2010年流向亚洲新兴国家的净私人资本将达到逾2700亿美元,2011年将流入同样多的资金。

    Net private capital flows to emerging Asia are forecast to reach more than $ 270bn in 2010 and as much again in 2011 , according to the Institute of International Finance .

  23. 净进口资本将动摇,迫使国家大的赤字削减支出。

    Net imports of capital will falter , forcing countries with big deficits to cut spending .

  24. 较高的库存周转率对净营运资本的良好运作很重要。

    For good net working capital management , it is desirable to have relatively lower A / R DSO .

  25. 其净进口资本也将动摇,迫使其不得不削减开支以维持生活。

    Their net imports of capital will also falter , forcing countries that live beyond their means to cut spending .

  26. 流入发展中国家的净私人资本流量,包括债务和股本资金,在2004年增加了510亿美元,达到3013亿美元。

    Net private capital flows , including debt and equity to developing countries , increased by $ 51 billion to $ 301.3 billion in2004 .

  27. 在大市值与中市值股票中存在经营性净营运资本效应,即经营性净营运资本高的公司股票,其收益要低于经营性净营运资本低的公司股票。

    In the large-cap group , there presents the net operating working capital effects , that is , the stock with higher net operating working capital has lower return .

  28. EVA是经过营业净利润扣除资本投入的机会成本后的部分。

    Business Opportunities EVA is different between return on an organization 's capital and cost of the capital .

  29. 折旧后的净投资与资本存量之比仍很低,徘徊在每年近1.5%的水平。

    Net investment after depreciation as a percentage of the capital stock remains subdued , hovering near 1.5 per cent a year .

  30. 在房地产估价方法中,收益法是一种重要的方法,运用收益法的关键在于净收益和资本化率的确定。

    In real estate appraisal theory , the income approach is one of important methods , and the key of the income approach is confirmation of net income and capitalization rates .