
  • 网络cold bend;cold bending;bending
  1. 影响冷弯C型钢腿部弯曲处成型辊上最大压力因素分析

    Analysis of influence factor on maximum-pressure on roller of surface of cold bend C steel

  2. 冷弯和焊管类产品CAD系统的开发

    The CAD System Development of Cold Bend and Welded Pipe Products

  3. 冷弯型钢C形截面受弯构件平面内稳定性能研究

    Investigation on in-plane stability behavior of cold-formed steel C-section flexural members

  4. 自攻螺钉连接冷弯薄壁C型钢梁柱节点试验及分析

    Experiment and Analysis of Cold-formed Thin-walled C Steel Beam-to-Column Connections in Self-drilling

  5. 冷弯薄壁型钢C型构件滞回性能的研究

    The Research on the Hysteretic Behavior of C-Section Column of Cold-Formed Steel

  6. 切割对C形冷弯型钢短柱初始几何缺陷的影响

    Effect of Cutting on Initial Geometric Imperfections of Cold-formed Steel Stub Columns with C-section

  7. C形冷弯型钢切割短柱轴压承载力有限元分析

    FEM Analysis of Axial Compressive Bearing Capacities of Cut Cold-formed Steel Stub Columns with C-section

  8. C形冷弯薄壁型钢切割短柱轴压试验

    Axial Compression Test of Cut Cold - formed Steel Stub Columns with C - section

  9. 考虑初始缺陷的中厚壁冷弯方矩管柱极限承载力研究冷弯薄壁型钢C形及组合方管柱的极限承载力研究

    Analysis of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of the Cold-Formed Thin-Walled C-Steel and the Combined Square Tube Colunm

  10. PLC在液压驱动机械手肋骨冷弯机中的应用

    Application of PLC in Hydraulic Frame Cold-bending Machine with Machine Hands

  11. 钢门框型材冷弯成形工艺闭口及C形冷弯型钢的孔型设计

    The Cold Roll Forming Design of " Closed type " Steel and " C " Type Steel

  12. 8个足尺自攻螺钉连接的冷弯薄壁C型钢梁柱节点的试验。

    The experiments of 8 full size cold-formed thin-walled C steel beam-to-column connections with self-drilling screws connecting .

  13. 根据屋面坡度设置了梁柱节点处夹角为100°,从而构成C型冷弯型钢梁柱斜节点的构造形式。

    Based on roofing slope , included angle between beam and column is formed with 100 degree .

  14. 钢板连接对冷弯薄壁C型钢梁柱节点的受力影响及有限元分析

    Impact on Load and Finite Element Analysis on Cold-Formed Thin-Walled C Steel Beam-Column Joints of Connections with Plate

  15. 冷弯薄壁连续檩条CAD系统的研究与开发

    Development of CAD Software for Continues Cold-formed Steel

  16. 基于网络的冷弯型钢智能CAD系统研究与开发

    Research and Development of Intelligent CAD System of Cold Roll Forming Steel Based on Network

  17. 提高肋骨冷弯机PLC控制系统的可靠性设计

    Design for improving the reliability of PLC control system of frame bending machine with manipulator

  18. 冷弯薄壁住宅钢结构以冷弯C型钢龙骨结构体系为代表,采用经济型材冷弯型钢为承重骨架,以轻型墙体材料为围护结构所构成。

    The Light Steel Framing Building adopts the cold-formed steel as the bearing framework and light material as the enclosing structure .

  19. 夹杂物与氢对15MnVNq(C,B)钢对接接头冷弯性能的影响

    Effect of inclusions and hydrogen on cold bending property of 15MnVN_q ( C 、 B ) steel butt welded joint

  20. 阐述冷弯方管采用有限元弹塑性非线性分析理论及应用ANSYS软件的非线性分析方法;

    The elastic-plastic non-linear behavior of the cold-formed square hollow section columns analyzed by ANSYS is presented ;

  21. 顶底角钢、腹板双角钢连接的冷弯薄壁C型钢梁柱节点性能研究

    The Performance Research on the Beam-column Connections of Cold Bending Light-gauge Steel C Section with Angle at Bottom and Top of the Web ; cellular girder

  22. 区别处理H型钢梁与工字钢梁稳定性条件空心工字钢冷弯成型过程的数值模拟

    SEPARATING RESEARCH ON STABILITY CONDITION OF H-SECTION AND I-SECTION STEEL BEAMS The numerical simulation of hollow i-beam forming process based on ANSYS / LS-DYNA

  23. GY型新型彩色钢板型材自动辊压冷弯成型机组

    New GY Automatic Rolling and Cold-bending Moulding Unit for Colour Steel Plate and Shaped Steel

  24. 20g埋弧自动焊焊接接头冷弯开裂的研究

    Study on cold bend cracking for submerged arc welding joint of 20g

  25. 考虑初始弯曲矩形薄壁钢管砼柱管壁屈曲分析冷弯薄壁型钢C形及组合方管柱的极限承载力研究

    Width-thickness ratio of steel plates in concrete-filled rectangular thin-walled steel tube columns subjected to axis force with initial bending Analysis of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of the Cold-Formed Thin-Walled C-Steel and the Combined Square Tube Colunm

  26. 20g焊接试板冷弯开裂机理研究

    Study on the Cold Bending Cracking Mechanism for Welded Joint of 20 g

  27. Sheathed冷弯型钢结构房屋:抗震设计方法

    Sheathed Cold-Formed Steel Housing : A Seismic Design Procedure

  28. 结果表明,钢带中部严重的碳偏析是导致在冷弯成U形伞骨时,形成钢带分层的主要原因。

    Results show that the primary cause to the laminar defect of the umbrella bone steel in the process of cold bending to U-shape is the severe carbon segregation in the steel band .

  29. 20g材料在进行埋弧自动焊接时易出现冷弯开裂;

    When welded in way of auto-submerged arc welding , steel 20g is easy to cause cold bending and cracking .

  30. 锅炉钢20g和20K埋弧焊接头冷弯开裂的研究

    An Investigation into the Cracking of SAW Joints of 20g and 20K Boiler Steels Due to Cold Beading