
bīng kuài
  • ice cake;ice
冰块[bīng kuài]
  1. 能在我的饮料中放点冰块吗?

    Can you just plop some ice in my drink ?

  2. 虽然穿了保暖袜子,我的双脚还是像冰块一样。

    My feet were like blocks of ice despite the thermal socks

  3. 他正把冰块和柠檬汽水倒进高脚杯里。

    He was pouring ice and lemonade into tall glasses .

  4. 她吸了块冰块到嘴里,嘎嘣嘎嘣地大声嚼着。

    She sucked an ice cube into her mouth , and crunched it loudly

  5. 手被邻居用冰块保存起来了,在医院又被缝合好了。

    The hand was preserved in ice by neighbours and sewn back on in hospital

  6. 你把所有的冰块都用完了,又不把冰格放回去。

    You used all the ice cubes and didn 't put the ice trays back

  7. 两个堂姊妹看起来像由冰块雕刻而成。

    The two cousins looked as if they 'd been carved from blocks of ice .

  8. 冰块的边缘开始裂开了。

    The ice began to crack at the edge .

  9. 河道被冰块叉住了。

    The river is blocked up with ice .

  10. 有些冰块很大,像移动的岛屿。

    Some pieces of ice are huge , like moving islands .

  11. 建造这些旅馆的冰块来自附近的河流。

    The ice blocks used to build these hotels are from nearby rivers .

  12. 在一些冰旅馆里,连酒杯都是用冰块做的。

    In some ice hotels , even the glasses for drinks are made of ice blocks .

  13. 很快,海浪将船周围的冰块打碎成数千个更小的碎片。

    Soon , the waves broke up the ice around the ship into thousands of smaller pieces .

  14. 你知道吗?在世界上的某些地方,人们用雪和冰块建造临时旅馆。

    Do you know that in some parts of the world , people build temporary hotels made of snow and blocks of ice ?

  15. 异常剧烈的海浪将巨大的冰块掀起又掷下,让这些冰块在短短一小时内破裂成了更小的碎块。

    The waves were so strong that they forced huge pieces of ice to jump up and down , breaking the ice into smaller pieces within just one hour .

  16. 她还用冰块冷却断肢。

    She also used ice cubes to cool down the severed limb .

  17. “冰弹”指的是从移动的车辆顶部飞落的大块儿冰块。

    Ice missile is a chunk1 of ice that flies off the roof of a moving vehicle .

  18. 多年以后,奥雷连诺上校站在行刑队面前,准会想起父亲带他去参观冰块的那个遥远的下午。

    Many years later as he faced the firing squad4 , Colonel Aureliano Buend í a was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice 。

  19. 冰块被冻成了平底的、圆形的形状,尺寸跟餐盘一般大。这种特殊的形状是由漂浮在河流上的旋转泡沫冻结而成的,通常在一夜间就出现了。

    The ice had frozen in a flat , round shape , around the size of a dinner plate , with the unusual patterns often caused by swirling3 foam4 floating on a river starting to freeze , usually overnight .

  20. •Freshmintleaves新鲜薄荷叶•Whiterum白朗姆酒•Icecubes冰块•Sodawater苏打水混合鲜榨青柠汁,糖和薄荷叶,捣碎拌匀

    Muddle the lime juice , sugar and mint leaves , crushing the mint

  21. 对冰块样品的实验表明,利用5W/cm2声强的超声可以达到300mm/min的破穿速度。

    For the ice block samples , the 300mm / min of breaking through velocity can be reached only with ca. 5W / cm 2 of the low or high frequency ultrasound .

  22. 据“法院新闻”(CourthouseNews)报道,在4月的另一场集体诉讼中,芝加哥的斯泰茜·平卡斯(StaceyPincus)控告星巴克在冷饮中加的冰块太多,导致消费者拿到的饮料只略多于其应有分量的一半。

    A separate class-action lawsuit in April by Stacey Pincus of Chicago accused the company of putting too much ice in cold drinks , leaving consumers with just over half the amount they paid for , according to Courthouse News .

  23. 检测结果还表明,保藏在传统冰块及盐水-冰混合冷却剂中虾的细菌总数(TVC)增加最快,其次是保藏在液态冰中1.5℃的环境下。

    Total viable counts ( TVC ) showed that bacteria grew most quickly in shrimp stored in ice and in salt-water ice , followed by those in liquid ice at 1.5 ℃ or - 1.5 ℃ respectively throughout the storage period .

  24. 你看透明的冰块在一个水晶玻璃。

    You look as transparent as ice in a crystal glass .

  25. 大块浮冰堆积在一起的大块浮冰港口为大量冰块所封冻。

    The port was blocked in by heavy masses of ice .

  26. 用包著冰块的塑胶袋,在他的命根子处,轻轻的来回擦拭。

    Rub his lan jiao with the bag of ice gently .

  27. 准备冰块,柠檬,搅拌棒,等等。

    Arrange ice cubes , lemon , straws , stirrer , etc.

  28. 河里有许多大冰块。

    There were many great pieces of ice in the river .

  29. 而融化的海水会将冰块冲向大海。

    This water allows ice to flow out into the ocean .

  30. 我会把冰块放在那张桌子上的。

    I 'll leave your ice right there on that table .