
  • 网络rural logistics;Countryside Logistics
  1. 再次,研究农村物流网络优化的模型和算法。

    Thirdly , research rural logistics network optimization models and algorithms .

  2. 农村物流的建设加快了农村经济的发展。

    Rural Logistics speed up the economical development in rural areas .

  3. 构建我国农村物流体系的必要性与可行性

    On Necessity and Feasibility of Establishing Rural Logistics System in China

  4. 物流业调整与规划下农村物流体系的构建研究

    Construction of Rural Logistics System Based on Logistics Adjustment and Planning

  5. 基于土地股份制的农村物流组织模式研究

    Land-based Joint-stock System in Rural Areas of Logistics Model of Organization

  6. 我国农村物流业发展的财税对策研究

    Study on the Financial Measures of Country Logistics Development in China

  7. 改革现有财税体制加速农村物流发展

    Reform Finance Tax System , Speed up the Rural Logistics Development

  8. 发展邮政物流促进农村物流发展

    Develop the Post Logistics and Promote the Development of Rural Logistics

  9. 现代农村物流金融中心诸利益主体的博弈分析

    A Game Analysis on Stakeholders of Modern Rural Logistics Finance Center

  10. 试论发展我国的农村物流

    Analysis on the Development of Rural Logistics Industry in China

  11. 农村物流信息平台建设

    The construction of the information platform of the village logistics

  12. 现代农村物流金融产品的设计与创新

    The Design and Innovation of the Products for Modern Rural Logistics Finance

  13. 现代农村物流金融中心的风险识别、评估与控制

    Risk Discriminate , Estimate and Control on Modern Rural Logistics Finance Center

  14. 基于我国现代农村物流建设的金融供求研究

    Research on Financial Supply-Demand of the National Rural Flows Construction

  15. 构建我国农村物流系统的研究

    Study of Setting Up the Our Country Rural Logistics System

  16. 基于电子商务的农村物流新模式研究

    Research on the New Mode of Rural Logistics Based on Electronic Commerce

  17. 发展农村物流,是非常可行的,也是极其必要的。

    Development of rural logistics is very necessary and feasible .

  18. 现代农村物流建设金融支持的必要性及其方向选择

    The Necessity and Direction Choice of Finance Support to Modern Rural Logistic Construction

  19. 以南阳为例,构建农村物流网络体系具有十分重要的示范意义。本文将结合南阳市的事实情况,构建农村物流网络体系。

    Taking Nanyang for example to construct rural logistics network system is exemplary .

  20. 农村物流建设需要强有力的金融支持。

    The rural flow construction needs support of financial .

  21. 中国农村物流模式及体系发展研究

    The Study on the Mode and System Development of Rural Logistics of China

  22. 西部农村物流发展的问题与对策分析&以宁夏为例

    Analysis and Thought of Western Rural Logistics Development & Ningxia as an example

  23. 第六章阐明山东邮政发展农村物流业务的保障措施。

    The sixth chapter Expounds the development of rural shandong postal logistics business safeguard measures .

  24. 论农村物流的内涵与特点

    The Content and Features of Rural Logistics

  25. 构建湖南农村物流体系转变农村经济增长方式研究

    The Research Constructs Hunan Countryside Physical Distribution System to Transform the Rural Economy Growth Way

  26. 现代农村物流体系与三农问题

    The Modern Rural Logistics System and the Three Issues about Farmers , Agriculture and Rural Areas

  27. 农村物流在我国发展缓慢,已经成为制约农村经济进一步发展的瓶颈。

    Country logistics develops slowly in China , which has begun to restrict the development of country economy .

  28. 与城市物流比较,农村物流具有分散性、季节性、差异性、多样性等特点。

    Unlike urban logistics , the rural logistics is characterized by its dispersion , seasonal nature , divergence , etc.

  29. 加强农村物流体系建设,促进现代服务业发展,安排74亿元。

    A total of7.4 billion yuan will be used to improve logistics and develop modern services in rural areas .

  30. 而我国农村物流发展水平低下的原因,除了农村物流基础设施不健全之外,农村物流有效需求低下是另一个非常重要的原因。

    Besides imperfect infrastructural facilities of rural logistics , it is the other important reason for insufficient demand for rural logistics .