
jūn duì zhǐ huī zì dònɡ huà
  • military automatized command
  1. 方舱作为许多军事装备的优选载体在军队指挥自动化系统中得到广泛应用。

    The shelter as a kind of optimum seeking carrier of a lot of military equipments is widely used in the military command automation system .

  2. 该系统在信息化条件下,较好地为指挥员进行军事目标打击提供了有效的决策工具,更好地加快了军队指挥自动化的步伐。

    In the informational condition , this system can offer the effective decision tool when commander strikes military target , and it accelerates military command autoimmunization .

  3. 军队指挥自动化建设是掌握信息化战争优势的重要基础,是军队信息化建设的主体工程。

    The construction of military command automation is an important foundation to dominate the information-based war . It is also a principal project of the military informational construction .

  4. 本论文首先对当前存在的网络自愈技术进行了分析和介绍,之后对现存的军队指挥自动化网络的拓扑结构进行了说明,详细阐述了自愈系统的总体设计思想、系统功能和工作过程。

    This thesis firstly analyses and introduces present self-healing technologies of the network , secondly introducing the topology structure of the present military auto-directing network , Detailedly expounding total designing idea 、 system function 、 working process .

  5. 本文主要根据当前军队指挥自动化网络及其现存问题,给出了一套提高网络可靠性、可用性的解决方案,并设计、实现了一种局域网接入端自愈系统。

    This thesis brings forward a kind of solve scheme of improving the reliability and usability of the network , mainly based on the topology structure and present problems of present military auto-directing network , designing and implementing a kind of self-healing system of LAN access point .

  6. 计算机网络技术的发展对对遂行多样化任务提供了更多的软件支持,利用先进的计算机科学技术实现军队指挥自动化,主战装备信息化,军队日常业务办公信息化已经是发展的必然。

    With the development of the computer network technology , more and more software can support diversity task . It is necessary to take advantage of using the advanced computer science and technology , so as to achieve the informatization of military command , equipment management and daily office .

  7. 军队310网络的不断完善,为军队指挥自动化、网上办公等信息化建设奠定了基础,不仅为将来打得赢做准备,也提高了军队内部的工作效率。

    The continuous completion of military 310 networks has laid the foundation for the informatization development such as military command automation and online office , etc. which will not only prepare for the successful battles in the future but also improve the internal working efficiency of the army .