
  1. 改革的内容:1573年,张居正任内阁首辅。

    Reform : In the year of 1573 , Zhang Juzheng occupied the office of the Chief Minister of the cabinet .

  2. 内阁首辅相较其他阁员地位提高,权力上升,其他阁员日益像属吏。

    Cabinet primary auxiliary status enhance and power rise compared to other cabinet members , other cabinet members more and more like subordinate official .

  3. 夏言在内阁权重一时,但是地位起伏不定,前后三次被罢免,终至被杀,是明代历史上第一个被杀的内阁首辅。

    Xia Yan has great power in the cabinet , but his status was ups and downs , he was deposed for three times and finally was killed . He was the first Grand Secretary killed in the history of the Ming Dynasty .