
  • 网络Intrinsic;intrinsic motivation;internal motivation;inner motivation
  1. 结果发现:(1)家庭SES、智力、内部动机与创造性之间有显著正相关。

    The results were as follows :( 1 ) there is a significant correlation between family SES , intelligence , intrinsic motivation and creativity .

  2. 以415名初二和高二年级学生为对象,采用修订后的《青少年科学创造性测验》,考察了家庭社会经济地位(SES)、智力和内部动机与创造性的关系。

    415 middle school students were used as subjects and the Revised Scientific Creativity Tests for Adolescents as instrument to investigate the relationships of family SES , intelligence , intrinsic motivation and creativity .

  3. 认知心理学家认为动机可分为内部动机(intrinsicmotivation)和外部动机(ExtrinsicMotivation)。

    Cognitive psychologists divide motivation into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation .

  4. 具体到第二语言习得领域,兴趣的研究通常和动机的研究不可分离。Gardner将兴趣和内部动机联系起来并且主张通过激发兴趣来提高学习者的动机。

    In the field of second language acquisition , the study of interests is generally subordinate to the study of motivation , which counts as a crucial individual factor to successful language learning .

  5. SDT以个体的内部动机概念为出发点,采用量化的研究方法揭示了积极心理学的诸多研究主题,进而推进了积极心理学的研究。

    SDT was based on the concept of intrinsic motivation and opened out many research topics of positive psychology by the means of quantitative methodologies , by which , SDT advanced the research of positive psychology .

  6. 但MPAM-R偏重于锻炼者的内部动机,要较全面地测量锻炼动机,需要增加锻炼者迫于外界压力而进行锻炼的外部动机结构。

    However , MPAM-R emphasized particularly on internal motivation of exercise , for wide board measurement of exercise motivation , it was necessary to add measurement of external motivation .

  7. 为了支持核心假设,把核心假设分成两个部分,分别提出了两个假设H1:内部动机与工作绩效存在显著的正相关关系;假设H2:外部动机与工作绩效存在显著的正相关关系。

    In order to support the core assumptions core hypothesis is divided into two parts respectively made two assumptions . Hypothesis H1 : internal motivation and performance there was a significant positive correlation . Hypothesis H2 : the external motivation and performance there was a significant positive correlation .

  8. 内部动机与外部动机的关系

    A Review On the Relationship Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

  9. 家庭社会经济地位、智力和内部动机与创造性的关系

    The Relationships among Family SES , Intelligence , Intrinsic Motivation and Creativity

  10. 内部动机和外部动机不存在显著的交互作用。

    The interaction between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation was not significant .

  11. 体育运动中的内部动机&认知评价理论的解释

    Intrinsic Motivation in Sports : Interpretation of Cognitive Assessment Theory

  12. 由此可见,内部动机是促进数学学习的一个重要因素。

    So introversion is an important factor to promote the mathematics learning .

  13. 教师的言语奖励与学生的内部动机正相关,言语奖励越多,学生的内部动机水平越高。

    The teacher 's verbal rewards and students ' intrinsic motivation are correlate .

  14. 自我设阻、避免失败、完美主义倾向是拖延的内部动机;

    The internal motivations are self-hinder , in avoidance of failure and perfection tendency ;

  15. 调节内部动机与知识转移行为的关系;

    Moderating the relationship between the intrinsic motivation and the behaviors of knowledge transfer ;

  16. 内部动机是指人们对学习本身的兴趣多引起的动机。

    Intrinsic motivation refers to the motivation caused by the interest in learning itself .

  17. 初中生在创造动机上,内部动机得分显著高于外部动机。

    In terms of creative motivation , intrinsic motivation is significantly higher than extrinsic motivation .

  18. 对于命名任务而言,外部动机的主效应显著,内部动机的主效应不显著;

    There were significant main effects of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in connection task .

  19. 学习动机分为内部动机和外部动机。

    Motivation to learn is made up of two parts , intrinsic and extrinsic motivation .

  20. 同样采用自定量化目标,对激发男生内部动机的效果要比女生更显著。

    Tangible self - set goals took more positive teaching effect on boys than girls .

  21. 而内部动机和过度焦虑是组成情感的两个性质相反的基本因素。

    Intrinsic motivation and over anxiety are two basic factors of affect with opposite natures .

  22. 内部动机是促使人们积极参加体育运动的关键因素。

    Intrinsic motivation is the key element in promoting the participation in sports and physical activities .

  23. 动机并不是一个问题,因为活动本身是有趣的,这自然就成了孩子学习的内部动机。

    Motivation is not a problem because their activities are interesting and therefore , intrinsically motivating .

  24. 知识共享的内部动机与外部动机与知识共享成正相关关系。

    Knowledge sharing and internal motivation and external motivation into a positive correlation between knowledge sharing .

  25. 教师的激励风格和言语奖励是影响学生内部动机的重要因素。

    Teachers ' motivating styles and verbal rewards have important influences on students ' intrinsic motivation .

  26. 内部动机来自于学习者对某一学习内容或学习任务的浓厚兴趣;

    Motivation to learn that stems from factors such as interest or curiosity is called intrinsic motivation .

  27. 学生的内部动机在英语学习过程中产生的积极影响远远大于外部动机;

    Internal motivation has more positive effect on students than external motivation in the process of ESL ;

  28. 内部动机与外部动机、学习定向、证实定向呈极显著的正相关。

    The intrinsic motivation is extremely positively related to the extrinsic motivation , learning orientation and proving orientation .

  29. 第二章中首先从盈余管理产生的动机(分为内部动机和外部动机)、表现形式、基本特征入手,分析了盈余管理的基本情况。

    The second chapter originally explains the motive ( including inner motive and outer motive ) and basic characters .

  30. 假设4:员工的工作越多的提供自治性则员工分享知识的内部动机越强。

    Hypothesis 4 : The internal motivation of knowledge sharing is stronger when one employee works with more autonomy .