- 网络inner integument

The major part of the inner integument is absorbed after about 21 days of the blooming date ( the cotyledon begin to differentiate within the first ten days of May ) .
The exterior epidermis cells of inner integument are lithoid , and parenchyma cells of inner integument degenerate rapidly but remain few parenchyma cells .
The micropyle is formed with inner integuments and partial outer integument .
At this moment , the exterior integument develops the testa which is brown and fleshy ; the inner integument develops the endothelium which is hard . 2 .
It was found that the semi-permeable layer was formed by the outer periclinal wall of the inner integument thicken and identified the formation time of this layer for all the seeds .
Its pistil consists of three carpels , the inferior ovary has three locules and each locule has two ovules which are anatropous on axile placenta . The ovule is bitegminous and crassinucellate .
The pistil was composed of five carpels , stigmas and styli separated , the ovary was coadnate , basal placenta , it had only one circinotropous ovule , the ovule was crassinucellate and had two layers of integument , the micropyle was formed by the inner integument .