- 名internal friction angle;angle of internal friction

The result is more close to the fact . The compare as the follows : the cohesion C is increased 7.2 % , angle of internal friction is increased 28.3 % above the ground water and 29.2 % .
Basing Mohr-Coulomb theory , indirect tension and unconfined compression were used to calculate the cohesion and angle of internal friction of both mixes .
C and ( cohesive force and interior friction angle of slide surfaces );
The researched results show that the calculated curves of pore distribution fractal dimension of micro-structure , cohesive force c and internal friction angle ?
The coherence force C and the inner friction angle of composite increase 115 % - 205 % and 11 % ~ 15 % respectively more than that of no rootstalk soil .
By sensitivity analysis of influence parameters of stability coefficient , this result can be gained , which is internal friction angle is more sensitive than cohesion to stability coefficient of landslide .
Equivalent angle φ e and coefficient tg φ e of dynamic internal friction are derived in this paper , so the parabola failure criterion equation formally coincides with the linear one .
Using the difference code of FLAC , this paper discussed the relationship between soft rock mass parameters and slope deformation .
Through research on dynamic strength characteristics of silt in shallow layers of Hangzhou bay , we find that the inter frictional angle of dynamic strength is about 39.7 % on static strength 's.
As the backfill rate decreases , the displacements of side piers and bottom slap both have a trend of the decreasing , but the change is very slight ; there are strong contacts between the cohesive force of soil C and internal friction angle ?
As to this type of lightweight soil , direct shear test is used to study the influencing factors of cement content , EPS beads content and curing time on the shear parameters .
Fmax increased with the increasing of internal friction angle of municipal solid waste φ sw , however , Fmin remained constant .
The factors , such as volumetric weight , the cohesion , the friction angle , the pore pressure ratio , earthquake intensity , slope ratio and the height of slope , which control and affect the stability of loess high slope were analyzed .
The triaxial shearing test showed that the cohesion of sand reinforced with the fibre of sand thorn or sand willow was increased by 2.5 ~ 4 times ; the cohesion and the angle of internal friction were increased by 0.25 ~ 0.40 times for the reinforced clay soil .
The factors of cement content , EPS beads content and curing time have little influence on the internal friction angle , the internal friction angles of tested samples totally lie between 20 and 35 degree .
With mathematical statistics method to design computer model and analyze the results of numerical simulation , the sensitivity of rock mass mechanics parameters ( elastic modulus E , Poisson ratio μ, cohesive force C , density ρ and friction angle φ ) influencing stope stability is studied .
Based on a series of drained triaxial compression tests , that the peak friction angle ( φ max ) and the residual friction angle ( φ res ) of sand change with stress level was investigated .
The relation between the characteristic values of penetration curve and soil mechanics parameters was analyzed . It is found that the dimensionless cone resistance factor is linear with tan φ where φ is the internal friction angle of soil .
The differences among peak shear strengths in three directions are analyzed . Test results show the angle of internal friction is 42 ° and cohesion is 700 kPa in ice temperature - 6.2 ℃ .
Using the triaxial test data and the centrifuge test results , quantitative estimation and analysis of the effect of soil friction angle on the bearing capacity factor ( ) has been presented .
When the average normal stress σ _3 < 6 MPa , the shear stress strength can approximately be expressed by Mohr ′ s law , and the cohesion and internal friction angle linearly increase with decrease of temperature ;
The order of the effects of the influence factors on friction angle is coefficient of uniformity Cu > less than 0.001 mm clay content > natural water content > dry density > organic content > root density ;
Feasibility Analyses of Small-scale Triaxial Test in Measuring Internal Friction Angle
A direct shear apparatus development for grain internal friction angle measurement
The soil ESP influence on soil internal frictional angle is small .
Statistics Analysis on Friction Angle of Shear Strength for Clay
Discussion on the estimation of internal friction angle of jointed rock masses
Change in Internal Friction Angle in Molding Sand on Air Flow Press
The application of angle of equivalent internal friction in earth-retaining wall design
Research of the Equivalent Friction Angle for Cohesive Soil