
  1. 兰州石化ERP项目设备管理模块实施与应用

    Equipments Management Module of ERP Project 's Implement and Application in Lanzhou Petrochemical Company

  2. 通过ADOBE内控审批系统的开发来完善ERP的功能,本文阐述内控审批系统在兰州石化ERP项目实施中需求、开发、测试运行的具体过程。

    Through the ADOBE online examination and approval system for the development of the perfect the function of ERP , this article elaborated the online examination and approval system in Lanzhou petrochemical ERP project implementation in the demand , development , test and operation process of the approach .

  3. 无水港如何促进内陆地区开放型经济发展&以兰州无水港项目为例

    How to Promote Open Economy Development of Interior Area by Dry Port & A Case of Lanzhou Dry Port Project

  4. 而目前在兰州中石油项目工作的老爸,至今还念念不忘被海星砂借走买中石油赔掉的钱,老拿这事劝她别再炒股了。

    And currently in lanzhou petroleum project work 's dad , still clung to be starfish borrowed to buy oil sand in the money , old compensate off with this thing advised her don 't fry .

  5. 上海第二工业大学昆士兰学院是上海市与澳大利亚昆士兰州的教育合作项目。

    Queensland College of Shanghai Second Polytechnic University is an educational joint-program between the Shanghai Municipal Government and the State of Queensland Australia .