
  • 网络Incorporation;company established;Business Set Up;business formation
  1. 以上这些是我们为您准确有效地准备公司成立文件所要求的必备信息,请勿改动此格式。

    Please do not alter the form as this is exactly all the information required to properly and efficiently prepared the incorporation documents .

  2. 我们公司成立于2004年,2006年9月份开始注册网上贸易。

    Our company established in 2004 and start trading in the internet from Sep , 2006 .

  3. 他从1989年公司成立以来,就一直在那里工作。

    He had been with the company since its creation in 1989 .

  4. 这家公司成立于2002年。

    The company was incorporated in 2002 .

  5. 这个公司成立了工会。

    The company is unionized .

  6. 一家清一色由女性组成的市场调查公司成立了,其目的是调查女性对于重大新闻事件的看法。

    A new all-woman market research company has been set up to find out what women think about major news and issues .

  7. 这家计算机公司成立于2004年。

    This computer company was formed in 2004 .

  8. 公司成立以后,我决定淡出而把工作留给儿子们去干。

    Having done my job in establishing the company , I decided that it was time I faded out and left the work to my sons .

  9. Q公司成立于2000年,2004年完成股份制改制,2008年在深圳证券交易所挂牌上市。

    Company Q was founded in 2000.It listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2008 .

  10. 信达成立于上世纪90年代,该公司成立的初衷是为了买下中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)的未偿债务。如今,信达买入的不良资产来自各个金融机构、房地产开发商以及工业集团。

    Founded in the 1990s to buy unpaid debts from China Construction Bank , Cinda now snaps up distressed assets from financial institutions , property developers and industrial groups .

  11. 1992年,我在纽约参加了一次救灾会议,IBM在那次会议上宣布了公司成立以来的首次裁员计划。

    I was in New York attending a disaster recovery conference in 1992 when IBM ( IBM ) announced its very first layoff .

  12. 本公司成立于2005年,证照齐全,并且获得了产品的注册证和CE认证。

    Our company was founded in2005 , which have many kinds of certificates such as CE certification and product registration .

  13. 倍受质疑的AxesAmerica公司成立于1997年,在位于纽约市中心的一间办公室里干了好多年。

    Axes America , the advisory company in question , set up business in1997 and worked out of a midtown office for years .

  14. 总部位于美国阿肯色州的SuttleEquipment公司成立于1970年,业务范围是销售和维护伐木设备。

    Arkansas-based Suttle Equipment was founded in 1970 to sell and service timber harvesting equipment .

  15. 在K公司成立近八年的时间里,公司发展迅猛,可传统的销售模式逐步不能满足现代化营销的需要。

    Founded eight years ago , K Company has been developing rapidly , while the traditional sales model gradually fails to meet the needs of modern marketing .

  16. BDC国际有限公司成立于1999年,总部设在香港。

    BDC International Limited was founded in1999 , headquartered in Hong Kong .

  17. 公司成立初期,微软决定将MS-DOS以及后来的Windows授权给电脑厂商使用,认为这是主导个人电脑市场的最佳途径。

    In its early days , Microsoft decided that licensing MS-DOS , then windows , to manufacturers was the best way to dominate the market for personal computers .

  18. 2009年6月,酝酿已久的SCG公司成立,文艺路改造成为公司的首个重点项目。

    June 2009 , long-awaited SCG was founded , the company transformed into a literary way the first major project .

  19. 美卡诺元器件(上海)有限公司成立于1996年,是PHOENIXMECANOAG(简称PMAG)在中国成立的独资公司。

    Mecano Components ( Shanghai ) Co. , Ltd is founded in1996 as a wholly owned subsidiary of PHOENIX MECANO AG ( PMAG ) .

  20. 山东省SY集团总公司成立于1992年底,目前已初步形成以满足居民生活需求为目标的战略型投资控股集团。

    Shandong SY Group Corporation , founded by the end of 1992 , has been formed to a strategic investment holding group which focus on meeting the needs of residents living .

  21. 公司成立于2001年,主要产品有:ZY系列单面机、双面机和专业机共三大系列六种型号。

    The company was established in2001 , and its staple products include six types in the three series of ZY single facer , double facer and professional facer .

  22. KD公司成立于2001年,主要经营移动通信业务、国内国际长途通信业务、数据通信业务、互联网业务、IP电话业务、批准范围内的本地电话业务、无线寻呼业务和国家允许或委托的其他业务。

    Founded in 2001 , KD Corporation mainly deals in mobile communication , IDD , DDD , data communication , internet , IP phone services , local phone services within the scope approved by authorities , wireless beeping and other businesses approved or entrusted by the state .

  23. XH公司成立于1992年,坐落于国家火炬计划软件产业基地&大连软件园,是以大量的对日商业流程外包(BPO)为主要业务的信息技术公司。

    Established in 1992 in Dalian Software Park , the national software industry base of China , XH is a hi-tech company primarily focused on providing business process outsourcing ( BPO ) services to Japanese enterprises .

  24. 深圳市众为兴数控技术有限公司成立于2002年,成功荣获ISO-9001认证企业、深圳市高新技术企业,深圳首批国家级高科技企业称号;

    Adtech ( Shenzhen ) CNC Technology Co. , Ltd was established in2002 , successfully awarded ISO-9001 , shenzhen High and New Technology Enterprise , shenzhen first national high-tech enterprise ;

  25. 山东德州德隆(集团)机床公司成立

    Shandong Dezhou De Long ( Group ) Machine Tool Co. Founded

  26. 包头某科技股份公司成立于2003年。

    A science and technology company in Baotou was founded in2003 .

  27. 公司成立于二00三年,主要从事彩印包装生产。

    Founded in2003 , mainly engaged in production of packaging color .

  28. 本公司成立于1998年,是老字号的报检公司。

    The company was founded in1998 , is old inspection company .

  29. 同时,公司成立前合同责任的主要承担者应为发起人。

    Meanwhile , promoters should take the main liability for pre-incorporation contracts .

  30. 在苹果电脑公司成立一年之后苹果第二代电脑

    A year after the company started , the Apple II computer debuted