
  • 网络National Fitness Path;sports for all paths
  1. 全民健身路径的使用评价与改进对策&以南京市为例

    Assessment on Utilization and Countermeasure of Improvement of " Sports for all Paths " & A Case Study on " Sports for all Paths " in Nanjing

  2. 采用文献资料法、访谈法和实地考察法对开封市市区内的全民健身路径的建设、使用、损坏及维修状况进行了调查研究。

    By literature , interviews and site visits , the paper investigated construction , use , Damage and maintenance status of the sports for all paths in Kaifeng City .

  3. 武汉市全民健身路径使用情况分析

    An Analysis of the Use of National Fitness Route in Wuhan

  4. 连云港市全民健身路径使用与管理现状的研究

    Lianyungang Fitness for the Use and Management of the Current Path

  5. 对我国全民健身路径工程现状的思考

    Reflections on the Status Quo of the National Fitness Program

  6. 论全民健身路径产品性质及供给方式

    Research on the Nature and Supply Model of the National Fitness Path Goods

  7. 我国全民健身路径工程发展状况及对策研究

    The Development Condition and Countermeasure Research on Path Engineering of China 's National Fitness

  8. 目前,我国学者对全民健身路径现状与布局合理化的研究比较少。

    At present , Chinese scholars fitness the rationalization of the path less distribution .

  9. 杭州市社区体育全民健身路径的使用与管理调查研究

    Investigation on Management and Usage of National Fitness Route of Community Sports in Hangzhou

  10. 全民健身路径合理选址与科学布局的数学模型探讨

    Discussion on Mathematical Model of Rational Design Site and Scientific Layout of National Fitness Route

  11. 全民健身路径的5类因素中,按影响程度大小依次是:社会环境固素,健身路径因素,组织因素,锻炼环境因素和锻炼者个人需求与条件囚素。

    Fitness Routes factors ; organizing factors ; exercising circumstantial factors and individual need factors .

  12. 西安市全民健身路径的组织管理现状与发展对策研究

    Research on the Management Situation and Development Strategies of Fitness Roads in Xi ′ an

  13. 完善相关法律、法规的建设。6.加强全民健身路径的自治管理。

    Improve law and regulation concerning the fitness routes . 6 . Strengthen urban community self-governing .

  14. 河南省全民健身路径社会效益的调研

    The Investigation and Research on the Social Benefits of the Routes of National Fitness in Henan Province

  15. 全民健身路径是近年来在我国兴起的一种群众健身活动设施。

    The National Fitness Path is the mass fitness facility that rises in china in recent years .

  16. 全民健身路径是实施全民健身工程的重要内容之一。

    People 's fitness route is one of the important contents of carrying out the national fitness program .

  17. 黑龙江省全民健身路径使用现状的调查

    Survey and analysis on the situation of utilization of nationwide fitness program in urban community in Heilongjiang Province

  18. 南昌市城市社区全民健身路径的现状与对策研究

    A Study on the Current Situation of National Fitness Route in Unban Community in Nanchang and Its Developed Strategies

  19. 结果显示:近几年全民健身路径的推广,不仅丰富了人们的文化生活,而且提高了人们的健身意识;

    The results reveal that the consciousness of fitness is promoted , the culture life is enriched by popularizing the national fitness route .

  20. 西安市全民健身路径从1997年开始,经历了探索、推广、飞跃的十几年,取得了较大的成就。

    Xi ' an fitness path , beginning in 1997 , through the exploration , promotion , leap ten years , has made great achievements .

  21. 建成全民健身路径60多处、健身公园25处、建立晨练、晚练点2072处、健身气功管理站点96处。

    We have completed over 60 national fitness paths , 25 Fitness Parks , 2072 places for morning exercises and evening training , 96 fitness Qigong management sites .

  22. 从使用情况看,全民健身路径的锻炼者中占多数的人群是青年和老年人,学历高的人群占少数,男女性别结构基本平衡。

    In respect of the use , most of the users are the youth and the old . The high academic groups amount a little and the sex construction are in balance .

  23. 本文探索了全民健身路径产生的背景和发展现状,提出了研制全民健身路径各站的功能开发和设计不同人群不同路径的6个原则;

    In this paper , the author explores the background and current status of people 's fitness route ; put forward the six principles which suit for the different groups and routes ;

  24. 采用多级、整群抽样的方法,对北京城区190例利用全民健身路径锻炼居民的健身情况和全民健身路径的使用情况进行了调查。

    By using the method of multistage and cluster sampling , this paper make an investigation on health condition and status of using national fitness route for190 residents who take part in exercise .

  25. 鉴于问题的存在,作者从可行性和有效性的双层层面进行了对策分析,从而为更好的开展全民健身路径提供了理论指导。

    In view of these problems , authors from the feasibility and effectiveness of countermeasures carried out two-tier level of analysis , so as to better develop a nationwide fitness path to provide a theoretical guidance .

  26. 国内一些学者、专家对我国的全民健身路径作了一些理论与实践的研究,但是对于江西省全民健身路径的系统研究还是一个空白。

    Although some experts and scholars in china have made some theory and practice research on national fitness route in our country , a systemic study on fitness route in Jiangxi province is still a blank .

  27. 随着全民健身路径的普及,如何对全民健身路径进行合理选址以及科学布局,使其在群众健身活动中发挥更有效的作用,已成为急需解决的问题。

    With the popular of national fitness route , how to design site rationally and scientific layout of national fitness route in order to play an effective way in national fitness activity become urgent problem to be solved .

  28. 但是,目前全民健身路径也存在着数量规模较小、安装率低、站位较少、布局不合理、管理制度不完善、使用方法不当、维修不及时等一系列的问题。

    However , there also exists in Exercise number of smaller , low installation , fewer stations , the irrational distribution and management system is flawed and incorrect use , not time and a series of maintenance problems .

  29. 在连云港市全民健身路径建设资金和维修资金来源上,目前连云港市资金来源的主体仍然是体育彩票公益金,渠道过于单一,建设资金远不能满足居民健身锻炼的需求。

    In city construction funds and body-building path , maintenance funds at the main source of capital city is still the sport lottery is too onefold , chest , channel construction funds far cannot satisfy the demand of residents fitness exercises .

  30. 通过调查与分析得出以下主要结论:1.山东省不同地市全民健身路径的建设数量差异明显,其中,青岛、淄博和日照的数量明显较多,表明这些城市的全民健身路径建设工作开展A好。

    There is significant difference in the amount of the construction of Fitness Routes in different areas of Shandong province . Qingdao , Zibo , and Rizhao have more Fitness Routes , which shows the better state of the organizing ability .