
  • 网络global asymptotically stability;globally asymptotical stability;global asymptotic stability;globally asymptotic stability
  1. 证明了该系统一致持久性及任何正解全局渐近稳定性的充分条件。

    Further , sufficient conditions are obtained for globally asymptotical stability of the system .

  2. 本文主要讨论二阶线性连续(离散)时间切换系统的反馈控制器设计与切换策略的设计,以及闭环系统的全局渐近稳定性、二次稳定性和状态响应的动态品质。

    This dissertation devotes on the study of the second-order continuous ( discrete ) time switched linear systems , including the design of the feedback controllers and the switching signals , the globally asymptotical stability , quadratic stability and the dynamical quality of the state response of the closed-loop systems .

  3. N种群的互惠模型的全局渐近稳定性

    Global Asymptotic Stability of N-species Cooperative Reaction-Diffusion Systems With Time Delays

  4. 在这篇文章里,我们研究了一类时滞神经网络的平衡点的存在,唯一性,及其全局渐近稳定性(GAS)。

    In this paper , we mainly discuss the existence , uniqueness and globally asymptotically stable ( GAS ) of the equilibrium point of a class neural networks .

  5. CNN的全局渐近稳定性分析与改进

    Global asymptotic stability analysis and improvement on cellular neural network

  6. 一类Hopfield型时滞神经网络模型的全局渐近稳定性

    On the Globally Asymptotic Stability for a Class of Hopfield Neural Networks with Delays

  7. 一类SIS流行病传播数学模型全局渐近稳定性

    Globally Asymptotic Stability of a Kind of SIS Mathematical Model for the Spread of Epidemic

  8. 具时滞离散和分布BAM神经网络的全局渐近稳定性

    Globally asymptotic stability of BAM networks with discrete and distributed delays

  9. 一类推广的BAM模型的全局渐近稳定性分析

    Analysis on global asymptotic stability for a kind of extended BAM models

  10. 三种群Lotka-Volterra混合系统的全局渐近稳定性

    Globol Asymptotic Stability of Three Species Lotka-Volterra Mixed System

  11. Lotka-Volterra树系统全局渐近稳定性的判据

    The Criteria of Global Stability to Lotka-Volterra Tree Systems

  12. 周期Lotka-Volterra竞争系统的全局渐近稳定性

    Global Asymptotie Stability in a Periodic Lotka-Volterra Competition System

  13. 具有时滞的周期Lotka-Volterra型系统的全局渐近稳定性

    Global Asymptotic Stability of Periodic Lotka-Volterra Systems with Delays

  14. 五种群捕食&被捕食Lotka-Volterra周期系统的全局渐近稳定性

    Global Asymptotic Stability of the Periodic Lotka-Volterra System for Five Predators and One Prey

  15. 应用滑模控制理论,设计了跟踪控制器,并通过Lyapunov稳定性理论,证明了控制系统全局渐近稳定性。

    A Lyapunov-based design and analysis framework was used to develop a sliding mode controller to guarantee global asymptotic position / velocity tracking errors .

  16. 应用单调方法和Bootstrap技巧,对周期Logistic方程的全局渐近稳定性给出了精细的分析。

    Using the monotone methods and the bootstrap technique , a detailed analysis on the global asymptotic stability for periodic Logistic equations is given .

  17. 具有常数输入的SEIS模型的全局渐近稳定性

    Global asymptotic stability of an SEIS epidemic model with constant input

  18. 利用Lyapunov泛函方法和矩阵分析技巧,得到了系统的解是一致有界和一致最终有界及全局渐近稳定性的判别准则。

    A criteria of the uniform boundedness and uniform ultimate boundedness and global asymptotic stability of solution is obtained by applying Lyapunov functional method and matrix analysis technique .

  19. 这个模型展示了丰富的数学现象,如后向分支,Hopf分支,在一定条件下的平衡点的全局渐近稳定性。

    This model shows abundant mathematical phenomena , for example , backward bifurcation , Hopf bifurcation , and global asymptotic stability under some conditions .

  20. 利用Liapunov直接方法得到了一个判别部分变元全局渐近稳定性的定理。

    We have obtained a theorem for determining partial global asymptotic stability by applying Liapunov ′ s direct method .

  21. 本文在后退(backstepping)方法的思想基础上设计了变结构控制的切换函数,并由此构造了具有全局渐近稳定性的滑模跟踪控制器。

    Based on the backstepping method , a switch function for VSC is designed and a sliding mode controller with globally asymptotic stability is constructed .

  22. 主要工作有以下几点:研究切换Hopfield神经网络在滞后切换律控制下的全局渐近稳定性问题。

    The main contributions are as follows : The global asymptotic stability problem for switched Hopfield neural networks with time-varying delay under the hysteretic switching rule is considered in this paper .

  23. 本文研究一类具有无穷时滞的概周期Lotka-Volterra型N-种群竞争系统的持久性和全局渐近稳定性。

    In this paper we study the permanence and global asymptotic stability of a class of almost periodic Lotka-Volterra type N-species competitive systems with infinite delays .

  24. 利用非自治微分方程理论,以及变分法理论和泛函极值的Euler方程方法,得到了该开发系统的持续生存性,周期解存在性,全局渐近稳定性。

    By applying the theory of nonautonomous differential equations , variational calculus and Euler method of functional extreme value , the persistence , existence of positive periodic solutions , global asymptotic stability are obtained .

  25. 通过构造Liapunov函数,借助Lasalle不变原理,证明了无病平衡点的全局渐近稳定性。

    Through the construction of Liapunov function and using the theory of LaSalle Invariant , the global asymptotical stability of the disease-free point is proved .

  26. 用比较原理和Lyapunov泛函方法,导出了该类神经网络全局渐近稳定性的充分条件。

    Via the use of the comparsion principle and the Lyapunov functional method , some sufficient conditions are given for the globally stability of these neural networks , which greatly generalizes the related results in current literature .

  27. 其内容包括与时滞无关的Hopfield神经网络和Cohen-Grossberg神经网络全局渐近稳定性分析;

    The main content concerns the analysis for the globally asymptotic stability of Hopfield neural networks and Cohen-Grossberg neural networks , which is independent of the delays ;

  28. 然后,通过适当的Lyapunov函数和线性矩阵不等式技术,在时滞有界且时滞的变化小的条件下,给出了该神经网络的全局渐近稳定性判据。本文的结果不依赖于时滞。

    Then , by choosing Lyapunov functional and linear matrix inequality technique , the delay-dependent global asymptotical stability of the network can be obtained , where the delay is bounded and its time derivative is smaller than 1.2 .

  29. 特别地,在最优化、神经控制、信号处理和模式区别的应用中,须要求网络避免伪响应或发生局部极小值,因此,ANN网络的全局渐近稳定性是研究的核心问题。

    Especially , in the applications of optimization , neural control , signal processing and pattern recognition , the global asymptotic stability has become the core problem in the research in order to avoid the spurious response or local minima .

  30. 首先利用泛函微分方程的单调理论分析了单种群chemostat模型正平衡点的全局渐近稳定性。

    The global asymptotic stability of the positive equilibrium of the model with one population is considered by using the monotone theory of functional differential equations .