
dōu mào
  • hood
兜帽[dōu mào]
  1. 不一定要我来当兜帽人

    It doesn 't have to be me in the hood .

  2. 他还认为我戴着兜帽

    He also thinks that I dress up in a green hood

  3. 一个戴兜帽的人在门口等候。

    A hooded figure waited in the doorway .

  4. 她穿着一件红色带兜帽的披风。

    She is wearing a red cloak with a hood .

  5. 他这件带兜帽的夹克在今年冬天对他很有用。

    His anorak has stood him in good stead this winter .

  6. 那个戴着兜帽让市里的罪犯闻风丧胆的人

    the man in the hood terrorizing the city 's criminals .

  7. 兜帽男出现,凯尔开枪射了员警

    That hood guy showing up , Kyle shooting a cop .

  8. 兜帽男并没有杀那些人

    The man in the hood didn 't kill those people .

  9. 兜帽男从另一栋楼上射杀了他

    What , so the hood shoots him from another building ,

  10. 一个穿着套装戴着兜帽的成年男子

    A grown man in an outfit and a hood ,

  11. 我听说兜帽男今晚阻止了装甲车抢劫

    I heard the hood foiled an armored car heist this evening .

  12. 我拿起来看了看,就看到了,兜帽

    I grabbed it , looked inside and saw ... a hood .

  13. 可不能穿兜帽也不能穿法兰绒

    you can 't wear a hoodie or anything flannel .

  14. 因为你扮兜帽人花了太多时间

    That was because you 've been logging in so many hood hours

  15. 她知道我绝不可能是这个兜帽男

    She knows that I could never be this guy .

  16. 你在沙滩上看到的带兜帽的人

    about the hooded person you saw on the beach .

  17. 把兜帽斗篷套上然后低下头。

    Wear the cloak with the hood and keep your head down .

  18. 当他抬起头来时,那个带兜帽的身影已经不见了。

    When he looked up , the figure had gone .

  19. 爱斯基摩人戴兜帽使头暖和。

    Eskimos wear hoods to keep their heads warm .

  20. 难道兜帽下的男人不是在拨乱反正吗

    Isn 't the man in the hood fighting to set things right ?

  21. 我们告知媒体这是兜帽男做的

    We tell the press the hood did this .

  22. 他把派克大衣兜帽两边都绑得紧紧的来挡住雪。

    He held both sides of the parka hood closed against the snow .

  23. 他被一个戴兜帽的家伙袭击了

    Well , he just got attacked by the guy with the hood ,

  24. 夫人,我看您还是把兜帽拉起来吧。

    My lady , best pull up your hood .

  25. 在尤尼达克拍卖会那里拿着兜帽

    from the Unidac auction with a green hood .

  26. 一个穿着绿色套服戴绿色兜帽的人。对吧?

    a guy in a green outfit and a green hood , right ?

  27. 说那个兜帽人昨晚骚扰了他

    He said the hood harassed him last night .

  28. 你恨戴绿兜帽的人,你恨奥利弗

    You hate the hood and you hate Oliver ,

  29. 兜帽男想要自找麻烦,我们就让他如愿。

    This hooded guy comes looking for trouble , he 'll find it .

  30. 这些案子都与兜帽男有关。

    These are all cases involving ... the Hood .