
duì huàn
  • exchange;convert;convertibility;redeem;conversion
兑换 [duì huàn]
  • [exchange;convert] 不同货币的交换

  • 将美元兑换成人民币

兑换[duì huàn]
  1. 你可在旅馆把你的钱兑换成美元。

    You can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel .

  2. 与美元的兑换率是多少?

    What 's the rate of exchange against the dollar ?

  3. 今天欧元的兑换价降到了历史最低水平。

    The euro hit a record low in trading today .

  4. 你可以到银行把没有用掉的美元兑换回英镑。

    You can change back unused dollars into pounds at the bank .

  5. 什么地方能把我的钱兑换成美元?

    Where can I change my money into dollars ?

  6. 今天欧元兑换美元的汇率又上升了。

    The euro gained against the dollar again today .

  7. 哪里可以兑换旅行支票?

    Where can I change my traveller 's cheques ?

  8. 如果我把美元兑换成欧元,汇率是多少?

    What rate will I get if I convert my dollars into euros ?

  9. 我们只兑换纸币和旅行支票。

    We only exchange notes and traveller 's cheques .

  10. 货币兑换成本仍是跨境贸易的最大障碍之一。

    Currency-conversion costs remain one of the biggest obstacles to cross-border trade

  11. 兑换货币时应该带着护照。

    You should take your passport with you when changing money .

  12. 他们兑换旅行支票时依据的汇率跟兑换现钞时不同。

    They exchange traveller 's cheques at a different rate from notes .

  13. 在街头兑换货币是违法的——无论何时都应该去银行。

    Changing money on the street is illegal — always use a bank

  14. 货币兑换业务主要由大银行控制。

    Exchange is largely controlled by big banks .

  15. 他没有把股票兑换成现款。

    He did not cash in his shares .

  16. 东德的工资兑换比率是一个旧东德马克兑换一个德国马克。

    East German wages were converted at the rate of one old East mark for one Deutschmark .

  17. 持兑换券到当地沃尔沃斯的分店可以兑换一个玩具。

    Take the voucher to your local branch of Woolworths and it will be redeemed for one toy .

  18. 如果经常旅行,找一家能直接兑换外币的旅行社。

    If you travel frequently , find an agency that will change one foreign currency directly into another .

  19. 在百货公司里,凡是已经兑换的礼券都会在上面盖上将其注销的商店的详细信息。

    In a department store when a gift voucher is exchanged it 's stamped with the details of the store to cancel it

  20. 请把这钱兑换成人民币。

    Please convert this money into RMB .

  21. 他把一些证券兑换成现金付账。

    He paid the pill by cashing in some bonds .

  22. 他将法郎兑换成美元。

    He converted his frances into dollars .

  23. 这些货币平价兑换。

    This currency exchanges at par .

  24. 我把美元兑换成等值的英镑。

    I changed my dollars for the equivalent amount in pounds .

  25. 我请求他兑换零钱,他满口答应了。

    He accommodated me when I asked him for change .

  26. 昨天,外汇兑换率下降到了一个较低的点位上。

    The international exchange rate dipped to alow point yesterday .

  27. 除非你能证明你的身份,否则银行不会兑换你这张支票。

    The bank will not change the cheque unless you are able to identify yourself .

  28. 我能在这儿把支票兑换成现金吗?

    Can I cash a check here ?

  29. 目的在于制止瑞士法郎兑换率上涨。

    The purpose was to halt the rise in the exchange rate of the Swiss franc .

  30. 对人民币实现完全自由兑换提出了对策和建议

    Some countermeasure and recommendation on RMB 's full convertibility . "