- 名cloning site

Methods : Link the PS cDNA full-length sequence to the multiple cloning site of pBlueskript ⅱ KS ( + ) by double restriction enzyme digest .
The genes ecoding these four differential proteins were located on the chromosome 4,7,8 , and 12 of rice .
Using normal sequencing primers adjacent to multiple clone sites of plasmid as flanking primers , a novel megaprimer method was performed in one tube with two steps and34 cycles .
The recombinant was sequenced by automatic sequencer with promoters T7 in upstream and T3 in downstream as sequencing primers .
Within the CD45 / SSC , CD71 / CD33 and CD15 / CD11b scatter diagram , the clone site of granulocyte and monocyte were obviously different between M4 and M5 . Conclusion : CD14 was high specificity and low sensitivity in diagnosing MLIL ;
Methods The full length human tissue factor pathway inhibitor ( TFPI ) gene was extracted by RT-PCR . The Kozak sequence and subclone sites were led in TFPI gene . Subsequently , the ( Kozak ) TFPI sequence was connected with T vector for sequencing .
Additionally we used the probe oligodeoxynucleotide complementary to vector clone site sequences to identify clones which were not inserted exogeneous genes .
Eight plant expression vector cassettes were constructed , which were regulated by different promoters , contained different cloning sites and were fit for expression in monocotyledon or dicotyledon respectively .
Then λ phage packaging reaction and library amplification were performed . Eleven plaques were randomly picked and tested using PCR method with universal primers derived from the sequence flanking the vector .
Objective : To investigate the information of transgene integrations in mice mediated with lentiviral vectors , the inverse PCR was used to clone the sequences of integration sites .
Flanking sequences of the insertion sites were isolated by inverse-PCR and Tail-PCR methods .
Genetic linkage mapping , positional cloning , quantitative loci traits mapping , microarrays and transcriptional silencing are genomic technologies that being widely used in recent years .
50 clones were selected randomly and the colony PCR amplification was used to detect the distribution of library inserts with pRAC sequencing primers .