
  • 网络Klondike
  1. 加拿大西北一地区;世纪年代克朗代克淘金热所在地。

    A territory in northwestern canada ; site of the Klondike gold rush in the1890s .

  2. 蒂妮在克朗代克住了将近10年回来了。她带回一笔巨额财产,在旧金山住下来。

    After nearly ten years in the klondike , tiny returned , with a considerable fortune , to live in San francisco .

  3. 这一经典故事讲述的是在加拿大的克朗代克淘金热时期,一只被偷走作为雪橇狗的经历。

    This classic story tells of a dog stolen from his home and sold to work as a sled dog in Canada 's Klondike Gold Rush .

  4. 改编自杰克·伦敦的同名野外冒险小说,《野性的呼唤》讲述了一条毛发杂乱的家养圣伯纳犬和苏格兰牧羊犬混种狗,巴克的故事,它在克朗代克淘金热期间被带到了寒冷的北方。

    Adapted from Jack London 's wilderness-adventure novel , The Call of the Wild tells the shaggy dog story of a domestic St Bernard / Scotch Collie cross called Buck who is taken to the frozen north during the Klondike Gold Rush .