
xiàn dàn
  • shrapnel;shot;canister;grapeshot
霰弹 [xiàn dàn]
  • [shrapnel] 榴霰弹

霰弹[xiàn dàn]
  1. 很好的弹道,很远的射程以及霰弹。

    Good animation , long range and shrapnel .

  2. 看起来是很严重的榴霰弹炸伤。

    Looks like a bad shrapnel wound .

  3. 方法82例四肢霰弹枪伤参照Sherman和Ordog的方法,采用改良标准分型。伤道行切开、引流初期外科处理,创面闭合分别在初期、延期和二期三个时机。

    Methods 82 shotgun wounds of the extremities , classified according to the modified rule form Sherman and Ordog ′ s , were treated by incision and drainage initially , and were closed in primary , delay and later phase .

  4. 不过霰弹打鸟、投资太过分散也不是高明的策略。

    Spreading your bets further is not a good strategy .

  5. 坐骨神经霰弹枪伤的手术治疗

    Surgical treatment of shotgun injuries of the sciatic nerve

  6. 霰弹枪喉缩对霰弹散布密集度影响的实验研究

    Experimental study about the influence of shotgun ′ s choke on shot dispersion

  7. 近距离霰弹枪击伤致股骨开放性骨折治疗体会

    Treatment of open femoral fractures due to shotgun wounds in a short distance

  8. 霰弹膛口问题高速摄影实验研究

    The Experimental Study on Shots at Muzzle by Use of High speed Photography

  9. 结论霰弹枪伤具有区别于其他类型火器伤的特点。

    Conclusions A significant difference was noted between shotgun wound and other wound .

  10. 霰弹策略在蛋白质组学研究中的应用与发展

    Evolution and Application of Shotgun Strategy for Proteome Study

  11. 不过我用霰弹枪打中了他。

    But I hit him with the shotgun .

  12. 霰弹飞行速度的测量方法与结果分析

    The Measuring Methods for Shot Flying Velocity and the Analysis of the Measured Results

  13. 合成火焰:用你的霰弹枪杀掉20个被你点燃的人。

    Combined Fire : Use your shotgun to finish off20 players you 've ignited .

  14. 第二次射击,象霰弹似的,打在街垒上。

    A second discharge , similar to the first , rained down upon the barricade .

  15. 榴霰弹正在四散开来。

    The shrapnel was searching every cranny .

  16. 但马上榴霰弹开始在空中飞蹿

    But then shrapnel rips the air .

  17. 一名男子昨天被证实在与配备自动武器和霰弹枪的士兵对峙中死亡。

    One man was confirmed killed yesterday as soldiers with automatic weapons and shotguns faced protesters .

  18. 不要在加农炮炮口前调动部队&特别是在加农炮开霰弹射击的时候。

    Don 't move units in front of your cannons-especially when your artillery have cannister selected .

  19. 伯恩可能重生为一个守旧的动作英雄,炫耀式地拿着霰弹枪。

    Bourne may be reborn an action hero of the old-school , all pomp and pump-action shotguns .

  20. 蛋白质组学霰弹法策略是大规模分析复杂蛋白质混合物的有力方法,它以多维色谱和串联质谱为核心技术,随着数据库和计算机分析数据的能力而发展。

    Shotgun strategy for proteomics were as a powerful approach for high-throughput analysis of complex protein mixtures .

  21. 被榴霰弹(弹片)击中.一块弹片嵌进墙壁里。

    Be hit by ( a piece of ) shrapnel A shell splinter embedded itself in the wall .

  22. 凯撒的保镖们都配备有高技术含量的霰弹拳套以增强他们的格斗能力。

    The personal guards of Caesar themselves are equipped with high tech ballistic fists to complement their martial prowess .

  23. 古费拉克斥责霰弹不中用,他对大炮说

    Courfeyrac called the grape-shot to order for the little effect which it produced , and said to the cannon

  24. 目的探讨霰弹枪致坐骨神经损伤的临床特点及手术治疗方法、效果。

    Objective To explore the clinical characteristics and the effect of surgical therapy for shotgun injuries of the sciatic nerve .

  25. 如果你不来与一个上限,你也许可以使你退出电影霰弹。

    If yours didn 't come with a cap you might be able to make one out of a film canister .

  26. 发射散布宽广的霰弹,在近距离能产成巨大杀伤力,杀伤效果随着与目标的距离而递减。

    Fires a wide spray of buckshot capable of great damage at close range with decreasing effectiveness based on distance from target .

  27. 本文介绍了枪挂霰弹发射器在国内外的发展现状和趋势,并据此提出了一种全新的枪挂霰弹发射器的设计思路。

    The domestic and overseas background and the development of " Canister Rifle hitched on the Gun " are introduced in the paper .

  28. 它能从掩藏在楼房后面的敌军部队的后方、上方,甚至侧面喷射榴霰弹。

    It can spray shrapnel behind , above or even from the side of enemy troops who have taken cover behind a building .

  29. 因为你平时就能用霰弹枪造成很多伤害,所以球棒的使用时机应该是没子弹或是正重新上膛时抽出使用。

    Because you already deal so much damage at close range , you should only use the Bat when out of loaded ammunition .

  30. 有一个我们认识的人听见一个战士在霰弹声中向他说:“我们好象是单身汉在进午餐。”

    Some one whom we know heard a combatant say to him in the midst of the grape-shot : " We are here as at a bachelor breakfast . "
