
  • 网络Kriging;Krige;krieger;krieg
  1. 对研究区的土壤氮素和pH值进行克里格插值与绘图,结果表明研究区土壤的pH与硝态氮的空间分布格局极为相似,说明它们之间空间相关性较强。

    Through the Kriging and mapping about the soil nitrogen and the pH value in the study area , the results indicated that distribution patterns of soil pH and nitrate were very similar .

  2. 采用与回归模型相结合的普通克里格方法(OKR),研究了沈阳市南郊17.6hm2农田耕层土壤有机碳(SOC)的空间分布特征。

    The spatial distribution of soil organic carbon ( SOC ) was examined within a 17.6 hm ~ 2 field in the southern suburb of Shenyang , China , using ordinary Kriging combined with regression ( OKR ) .

  3. SD法是一种全新的储量计算和审定方法,是我国使用的三大储量计算方法(传统法、克里格法和SD法)之一。

    SD method , one of three reserves calculation methods like geometry , Krige and SD methods in China , is a new mineral resources reserves calculation and examination method .

  4. 联想负责全球消费者营销的副总裁克里格•梅里根(CraigMerrigan)说,笔记本电脑市场越来越象汽车市场了,你驾驶的汽车可以反映你的个性;

    ' The notebook market is getting more like cars , 'says Craig Merrigan , vice president of global consumer marketing for Lenovo .

  5. 基于协同克里格的基准地价评估及空间结构分析

    Standard Land Price Appraisal and Space Structure Analysis Based on Co-Kriging

  6. 普通及指示克里格法在水稻禁产区筛选中的应用

    Application of ordinary and indicator Kriging methods for screening non-rice-cropping areas

  7. 克里格会驾驶直升飞机在巴黎待命。

    Krieger is going to have helicopter transport waiting in paris .

  8. 水环境模拟参数随机场的指示克里格研究

    Indicator Kriging of random parameters fields in water environment simulation

  9. 泛克里格法在三维地震资料变速成图中的应用

    Applying the universal Kriging to the variable-velocity mapping of 3-D seismic data

  10. 普通克里格评估土壤污染物空间分布精度控制研究

    Precision Control of Assessing Soil Contamination Spatial Distribution Based on Ordinary Kriging

  11. 基于克里格法的定点监测数据连续空间化研究与应用

    Research and Application on the Continuity of Monitoring Data Using Kriging Interpolation

  12. 克里格估计方法在复杂热工对象动态建模中的应用

    Application of Kriging estimation method in establishing dynamic model for complicated thermodynamic objects

  13. 排序扫描线算法在克里格估值中的应用

    Application of Sequential Scanning Algorithm in Kriging Prediction

  14. 应用克里格法评价多金属结核不同勘查阶段的勘探网度及资源量

    The Kriging assessment of the exploration grid and mineral resources in different exploration stage

  15. 为了招募经理,克里格面试了几位摩洛哥候选人,并且遇到了伊萨姆·查巴(IssamChabaa)。

    Kriger was interviewing Moroccan candidates for a manager when she met Issam Chabaa .

  16. 稀疏数据插值问题的回归克里格方法

    Regression Kriging Method for Sparse Data Interpolation

  17. 克里格完全是个科学无赖。

    Krieg 's gone completely rogue .

  18. 依据分析,得出了克里格方法内插估值的优势和不足。

    According to the analysis , we can get the advantages and disadvantages of Kriging interpolation method .

  19. 结果表明,因子克里格方法在进行管理分区中具有非常明显的优势与特点。

    The results show that factorial kriging analysis have distinct advantage and characteristic in partition management zones .

  20. 克里格与我遇到的其他一些美国人一样,最早是来当英语老师的。

    Mr. Krieg , like some other Americans I met there , arrived as an English teacher .

  21. 等雨量线绘制模块采用普通克里格插值方法,对雨量测站的降雨数据进行内插,并绘制等雨量线图。

    By utilizing Kriging method , isoline drawing module could interpolate rainfall data , and draw isohyet chart .

  22. 应用的方法为反距离移动平均法、反距离移动表面法和普通克里格。

    The reviewed techniques include the Inverse Distance Moving Average , Inverse Distance Moving Surface and Ordinary Kriging .

  23. 同时也证明了多变量指标克里格法在土地养分状况的综合评价中应用的可行性。

    Multiple variable indicator Kriging method is also proved to be an alterative for integrated evaluation of soil nutrients .

  24. 介绍了一些在地质统计学上常用的算乱数据插值方法,包括移动平均法、克里格法等。

    Introducing some interpolation algorithms in the geology statistics that are usually used including of Moving Average Method , Krige etc.

  25. 在相同取样数量下,协同克里格法的预测精度要高于普通克里格法。

    In the same sample volumes , prediction accuracy of the co-kriging method was higher than that of ordinary kriging .

  26. L-1HCl浸提态土壤锌进行插值分析,并对这两种利用辅助变量的克里格方法在土壤锌空间分布研究中的适用性进行评价。

    The two interpolation methods were evaluated for the suitability of estimating the spatial distribution of soil Zn by using an auxiliary variable .

  27. 最近,在克里格先生等人的研究的启发下,法学院也设置了一些项目来防止此类问题。

    More recently , the work of people like Mr. Krieger has inspired law schools to develop programs that might head off such problems .

  28. 地质统计学中的克里格方法是一种使插补误差达到最小并且对误差进行精确估计的插值方法。

    And Kriging interpolation method as a kind of geo-statistics is an interpolation procedure that minimizes the interpolation errors and gives an accurate estimate of that error .

  29. 通过验证可知,简单克里格的平均标准误差最小,普通克里格的平均标准误差最大。

    Through validation we could see that the average standard error of simple kriging was minimum , and the average standard error of ordinary kriging was maximum .

  30. 因为均方根预测误差值更为重要,所以从总体上看普通克里格方法优于反距离加权插值法,而反距离加权法又优于简单克里格方法。

    Because the root mean square error is more important , ordinary kriging interpolation was better than inverse distance weighting , which was better than simple Kriging method .