
  1. 新疆克孜河泥石流天然坝体溃决模拟分析

    Simulation Analysis on Broken Dam of Debris Flow in Kezi River of Xinjiang

  2. 上震旦统克孜苏胡木组和库尔卡克组。并认为其中的冰成岩与邻区阿克苏西部的属同原同期。

    The writers consider that the glacial rocks have the same origin and age with that of the adjacent western Aksu region .

  3. 目击者表示,土耳其警方先是警告克孜拉伊广场的示威者,之后用催泪瓦斯和高压水枪驱赶他们。

    Witnesses say the Turkish police first warned the protesters in Kizilay Square and later used tear gas and water cannon to disperse them .

  4. 本章先从历史价值、文化价值和艺术价值三方面分析了克模孜毕的社会价值,说明保护和传承克模孜毕的重要性,然后介绍了克模孜毕保护现状和发展策略。

    This chapter start with historical value , cultural value and artistic value of three aspects of the social value of Kumiss dance shows dance Kumiss protection and the importance of heritage , and then introduced the dance Kumiss conservation status and development strategy .