
  1. 年内,海关共检获1569部光碟烧录机,总值395万元,并拘捕97人。

    The department seized 1569 CD-writers , valued at $ 3.95 million , and arrested 97 persons .

  2. 有光碟烧录器,就可以把你喜欢的歌曲烧录到光碟上。

    With a CD burner , you can burn your favorite songs onto / on to a CD .

  3. 从事盗版活动的不法之徒转为设立规模较小的盗版工场,使用光碟烧录机制造盗版光碟。

    It appeared that copyright pirates were turning to smaller scale operations by setting up copying workshops equipped with CD-writers to manufacture pirated discs .

  4. 我可以在这台光碟机烧录光碟吗?

    Can I burn CDS on this CD drive ?