
  • 网络X-ray
  1. 我建议他休息,并让他去拍个X光片。

    I suggested that he rest , and sent him for an X-ray

  2. 这时他们把我推走了,去给我的头部拍X光片。

    They wheeled me away then , to X-ray my head .

  3. X光片显示至少有12处骨折未完好愈合。

    Xrays show at least 12 fractures that never properly healed .

  4. 位于伦敦的SHOK-1展示了关于流行文化的巨幅X光片的涂鸦。

    London-based SHOK-1 paints giant X-rays of pop culture icons .

  5. 你的X光片和核磁共振结果送去会诊了

    I sent the X-Rays and MRI for a consult .

  6. 你该去做个胸部X光片或者类似的检查。

    You need a chest x-ray or something .

  7. 这些X光片表现出文化怎样拥有自己的解剖学,

    His X-rays show how culture can come to have an anatomy of its own ,

  8. 医生给她拍了X光片,但没看出什么问题。

    At the hospital , the doctors ordered X-rays , but couldn 't see anything wrong .

  9. 他肯定很想做进一步的检查,如活组织检查和X光片等。

    He definitely wants to perform further tests , such as a biopsy and some x-rays .

  10. 这张X光片的主人是位女性,轮滑时摔伤,导致踝关节骨折错位,

    This is an X-ray of a woman who fractured and dislocated her ankle in a roller-skating accident .

  11. 一张X光片显示,破裂过程中,空气从他的气管渗入到颈部的软组织。

    An X-ray revealed air escaping from his windpipe into the soft tissue of his neck through the rupture .

  12. 因为你的朋友们会说“来,给我看看肿块,给我看看X光片”

    because your friends go , " Oh come on , show me the lump , show me the x-rays , "

  13. 为了去除滤光片膜中的应力,用交替蒸镀Al和C多层膜的方法来制备法光片,铝和碳膜是用磁控溅射法制备的。

    In order to reduce stress in the film , we used a Al and C multilayer approach for filters . Al and C films are evaporated by magnetron sputtering .

  14. 诊断结果:断了两根肋骨。他举着我的X光片问道:“看到没有?”我看到了两条裂纹,我猜想那就是摔断的肋骨。

    The diagnosis : two broken ribs . ' See ? ' he said , holding up the film . I saw two gaps , which I guess were the breaks .

  15. 背单词—服装英语词汇好莱坞女星玛丽莲•梦露生前在一家医院就诊时所拍的三张胸部和骨盆的X光片近日以4.5万美元的高价拍出,拍价为预期的十倍多。

    Three X-rays of Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe 's chest and pelvis taken during a hospital visit have sold for more than 10 times their pre-sale estimates , earning $ 45000 .

  16. 激光探针质谱和数据系统在光片上测定单颗粒矿物~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年龄的应用

    40 ar / 39 Ar dating of single mineral grain on polished thin section using a laser probe mass spectrometer with a new data terminal system

  17. 美国迈克AFPMINI&MED/90~(TM)型X-光片全自动洗片机故障检修及分析

    The Troubleshooting and Analysis of the Make ( U.S.A. ) AFP MINI - MED / 90 ~ ( TM ) Full-automatic X-ray Film Processor

  18. 前休斯敦火箭队中锋姚明:在照片上,我是说X光片,一切看起来都非常完美。一直到今天,我走起路来也都没有问题,已经把全身重量都压在脚上了。

    YAO MING , HOUSTON ROCKETS CENTER : Everything looks perfect on pictures , I mean those X-ray pictures , and today , I 'm walking on it well , full pressure on my foot already .

  19. 用LiF热释光片在水-有机玻璃人体模型中作沿着眼睛中心轴的深度剂量分布的实验测量结果表明,测量距离大于约5mm以后,计算值与实验值在误差范围内完全符合;

    The distribution of the absorbed dose rate along the eye axis had been measured using LiF TLD 's in water-organic glass phantom .

  20. 它与母材成一定角度投射到接头上,光片与搭接接头会成一单光纹,而母材垂直上方的CCD摄像机拍摄折线光纹,同步送计算机处理。

    The light-plate that is shot by semiconductor laser comes to a certain angle to throw overlap joint , which brings a single vein of light , and CCD camcorder shoots and sends it to the computer .

  21. 而A-CPC始终维持原始材料的BMD值。在6M植入期间内几乎没有降解。这个结果亦得到了X-光片和骨密度(BMD)测试结果的证实。

    However , the control material A-CPC always maintained the original value of BMD , almost no obvious degradation was observed in the period of 6 M implantation , the results were also confirmed by the X-ray and bone mineral density ( BMD ) tests .

  22. 光片显示出那个男孩的腿断了。

    The X-ray showed that the boy 's leg was broken .

  23. 矿石光片的制备和改进方法

    Some improvements on the preparation of polished sections of ores

  24. 提出了曲面品质评价分析的光片模型高光线法。

    A method for surface inspection named light-strip model-based highlight-line technique is proposed .

  25. 炭相光片制备技术

    Techniques for preparation of specimens of carbon micrographs

  26. 医学X-光片图像处理的几种新方法

    On Image Processing Methods for Medical X-ray Pictures

  27. 你看x-光片了?

    You looking at the x-ray ?

  28. 电子探针图象处理程序自动定量统计矿石光片矿物量

    Automatic Quantitation of Ore Minerals in Polished Sections by Making Use of EPMA Image Process Program

  29. 在测试厚度方面,浇铸光片法优于投影法及粉末粘结法。

    The improved method is better than theprojection method and the direct measurement of powder sample .

  30. 光学彩色过滤光片,未装配

    Optical colour filter , unmounted