
  • 网络optics;optical components;optical parts
  1. 本文主要利用轨迹补偿法加工非球面光学零件的原理,进行加工口径为φ200~φ300mm的非球面光学零件的机床设计及其误差分析。

    This article mainly use the principle of the path compensation method to processing aspheric surface optics components , aspheric surfaces optics components engine bed design of carrying on the processing diameter of 200 ~ 300 millimeters and its the error analysis .

  2. 基于矩阵运算的光学零件磁流变加工的驻留时间算法

    Dwell Time Algorithm Based on Vector for MRF Process of Optics

  3. CAE在塑料光学零件注射成型中的应用

    Application of CAE in the injection molding of plastic optical elements

  4. 基于CAPP和数据库的光学零件数字化加工技术的研究

    Study on technology of digital optical manufacture based on computer aided process planning ( CAPP ) and database

  5. 利用FRP-1型非球面柔性抛光机对非球面光学零件进行抛光效果良好能够满足非球面光学零件的加工精度的要求。

    Aspheric polishing on FRP-1 flexible polishing machine can satisfied the corresponding precision demand .

  6. 曝光透镜是彩管曝光台中的一个光学零件,它主要用于彩色CRT荧光屏制造过程中模拟电子束进行光学曝光涂屏。

    Exposure Lens is an optical component of color tube exposure equipment . It is mainly used for optical exposure of the chemical coating on the color CRT screen by simulating electron beam in the process of color CDT luminescent screen manufacturing .

  7. GB/T3158-1982光学零件球面半径数值系列

    Radii of spherical surfaces of optical elements series of numerical values

  8. 环带式磁流变抛光加工石英光学零件实验分析

    Experiment and Analysis on Processing Quartz Glass Optical Parts by MRF

  9. 应用细小离子束加工小型精密光学零件

    Study on Machining Small Precision Optical Component Using Thin Ion Beam

  10. 光学零件超声波清洗综述

    The Summary of the Supersonic Wave Used in Washing Optical Elements

  11. 大口径光学零件镀前全自动超声波清洗技术

    Fully automatic ultrasonic cleaning of large aperture optical elements before coating

  12. 光学零件镀膜后光洁度与牢固度的探讨

    Research and Discussion on fineness and firmness for optical film-coating

  13. 改善塑料光学零件成型质量的几个问题

    Problems on improving injection molding quality of plastic optical elements

  14. 计算机自动绘制光学零件图的软件系统的研制

    Development of Computer Auto Drawing Software System for Optical Elements

  15. 非球面曲面光学零件超精密车削工艺研究

    Research on Ultraprecision Turning Technology of Aspheric Surface Optics Parts

  16. 大曲率光学零件面形的空间载频外差干涉术检测

    Testing large curvature surface of optical element with spatial carrier heterodyne interferometry

  17. 《光学零件工艺学》网络课件的制作与思考

    The Design and Consider of Net-courseware about " Optic Component Technology "

  18. 光学零件抛光的线性去除

    Linearity of Removal in the Proeess of Optical Element Polishing

  19. 非球面光学零件补偿加工自动编程系统

    Automatic Programming System in Aspheric Optics Machining with Error Compensation

  20. GB/T1315-1977光学零件薄膜的分类、符号及标注

    " Thin-film coatings on optical parts & Classification , symbols and designations "

  21. 大型非球曲面光学零件步长伸缩双圆弧插补技术研究

    Study of Variable-step-double-arc Interpolation for Large Aspheric Optical Parts

  22. 平面光学零件最小焦距的测量

    Measurement of Minimal Focal Length fo Plane Optical Part

  23. 回转对称非球面光学零件磁流变成形抛光的驻留时间算法

    Dwell Time Algorithm for MRF of Axis-symmetrical Aspherical Parts

  24. 光学零件超声波清洗的应用现状及其发展

    Application and development of supersonic cleaning optical elements

  25. 光学零件互检数据处理方法

    Data processing method for co-testing of optical elements

  26. 精密光学零件加工技术的新进展

    The New Progress of Precision Optical Components Fabrication

  27. 适用于各类电子零件、光学零件、制造业等。

    Applicable to all types of electronic components , optical components , manufacturing , etc.

  28. 本文叙述了光学零件表面疵病检测仪的技术方案。

    This paper recounts the technical scheme of optical spares surface defect examining instrument .

  29. 提高光学零件研抛加工精度的关键是优选工艺参数。

    Selecting processing parameters is the key to increase polishing accuracy of optical elements .

  30. 非晶态碳膜在红外光学零件上的应用

    The Application of Amorphous Carbon Film to the Infrared Devices and its Design Parameters