
  • 网络photochemical pollution
  1. 在我国,许多经济发达的城市如北京也出现了光化学污染问题,并且有越来越严重的发展趋势。

    In China many economic developed regions such as Beijing also suffer from the photochemical pollution , and problems continue to deteriorate .

  2. 光化学污染是困扰当今世界许多城市和区域发展的主要环境问题之一。

    Tropospheric photochemical pollution is one of principal environmental issues which make great troubles to the developments of many cities and regions in the world .

  3. 基于MODIS数据的城市光化学污染预警系统及预警等级研究

    Advanced Warning System and Its Grade of the Urban Photochemical Smog Pollution based on MODIS Data

  4. 该文对CAPPS系统在北京市和上海市进行数值预报的结果进行了分析检验,并与国际上几种光化学污染预报模式的预报结果进行比较。

    In this paper , CAPPS is applied to the air guality prediction experiments in Beijing and Shanghai and the results from these experiments are verified and compared with those from several photochemical air pollution models cited from publications .

  5. 秋季典型光化学污染过程的分析

    Analysis on the Typical Photochemical Processes of Pollution in Autumn

  6. 汽车与城市空气的光化学污染及控制

    The Relation Between Automobile and light Chemical Pollution and Control in the City

  7. 这些污染物发生的特点和规律对北京大气光化学污染的研究和防治具有借鉴意义。

    All these were significant to research and prevention of atmospheric photochemistry pollution .

  8. 大中型城市交通废气与光化学污染的数值模拟

    The Numerical Simulation of the Emission from Traffic Exhaust-gas and Photochemical Pollutants in Urban Area

  9. 结果表明,在光化学污染比较典型的两天中,考虑了化学反应的模式对气溶胶浓度的模拟效果有所改善。

    The results show that model prediction is acceptable during the two typical days of photochemical air pollution .

  10. 进行了同等条件的两箱对比实验,实验结果完全一致,表明该实验系统能够开展基于对比实验的敏感性分析研究,从而为进一步针对北京实际开展光化学污染的模拟研究奠定了良好的基础。

    It is shown that this system can be used for sensitive analyse based on the comparative experiment , which is important for further study on photochemical smog of Beijing air pollution .

  11. 煤燃烧过程中排放的SO2和NOx会造成严重的大气污染,如酸雨污染、光化学烟雾污染及温室效应等。

    In the process of coal combustion , SO2 and NOx emissions cause serious air pollution , such as acid rain pollution , photochemical smog , greenhouse effect and so on .

  12. 已存在严重的光化学烟雾污染,预测表明城区未来大气环境中O3浓度的高低取决于机动车的排放量。

    The photochemical smog phenomenon has already existed in these urban areas and the pollution is getting more and more serious , and it is predicted that the O 3 concentration in the air of urban areas is depended on the vehicle emissions .

  13. 兰州市光化学烟雾污染的多元线性回归分析

    Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis on Photochemical Smog Pollution of Lanzhou City

  14. 中国城市光化学烟雾污染研究

    The Study of Urban Photochemical Smog Pollution in China

  15. 然后总结出光化学烟雾污染的防治措施。

    We can summarize the prevention and cure measure of photochemical smog pollution .

  16. 用小参数法对大气光化学烟雾污染的数学模式作数值计算

    Calculation of the mathematical model for photochemical air pollution using a small parameter method

  17. 以兰州西固地区为研究对象,建立了描述该地区光化学烟雾污染的大气质量模拟模式&柱子模式。

    An air quality simulation model-column model for describing photochemical smog pollution at Xigu district in Lanzhou has been developed .

  18. 文章介绍了美国弹道中段试验卫星在轨研究放气、粒子、光化学等污染影响所用的测试装置及其测试方法。

    This paper introduces the application of testing devices for studying the contamination effect of outgassing , particulate , photodissociation for Midcourse Space Experiment satellite of USA in orbit .

  19. 当今,我们正在面对除了煤烟污染、光化学烟雾污染之外的以室内空气污染为主要的第三次环境污染现状。

    Except the " soot pollution ", and " photochemical smog pollution ", now we are facing to " indoor air pollution " as the main third environment pollution situation .

  20. 随着室内装修装饰的大量涌现,室内化学污染物超标现象日趋严重,现代人类已经继第一污染期煤烟型污染和第二污染期光化学烟雾污染后,进入以室内化学污染为标志的第三污染期。

    With the large numbers of interior decoration , indoor chemical pollutants exceeded aggravation of the problems of modern human has enter a third pollution period with indoor chemical pollution as symbol after the first pollution period-the period of the coal-burning pollution and the second pollution period-photochemical smog pollution .

  21. 光化学烟雾大气污染的形成机理

    The Occurrence Mechanism of the Photochemical Smog Air Pollution

  22. 为监测机动车尾气造成的氧化型光化学烟雾的污染,采用被动扩散管的监测方法在上海布设65个监测点位。

    For effectively monitoring photochemical pollution from vehicle pollutant emission , a passive diffusion tube was used in large survey .

  23. 国际上一些室内环境专家提醒人们,在经历了工业革命带来的煤烟型污染和光化学烟雾型污染之后,现代人已经进入了以室内空气污染为标志的第三个污染时期。

    Some experts in the field of indoor pollutions give warnings that the indoor pollution symbolizes a third pollution era coming around following preceding coal-smoke pollution and photochemical smog pollution brought about by Industry Revolution .

  24. 柴油发动机排量大,污染物排放恶劣,造成了如雾霾、光化学烟雾等环境污染问题。

    Large displacement diesel engine pollutant emissions are relatively poor , resulting in a series of environmental problems , especially like great fog and haze .

  25. 光化学烟雾是大气污染的一种,它不仅危害人们的健康,而且严重威胁着生态系统的平衡。

    The photochemical fog is one kind of the atmosphere pollution . It endangers not only people 's health but also the balance of the ecosystem .

  26. 但地处城市边缘地带的污染模拟受光化学和区域性污染的影响,有待于进一步研究。

    Howerer , further research should be carried out in the boundary areas where the simulation is much more affected by photochemical pollution and the regional intersectional pollution .

  27. 继“煤烟型”、“光化学烟雾型”污染后,现代人正进入以“室内空气污染”为标志的第三代污染时期。

    Afterwards " fuliginous model "," photochemical smog " after pollution , modern is being entered with " indoor air is polluted " the3rd generation that is a mark pollutes period .

  28. 此研究结果有助于我们更好的了解土壤中有机污染物的光化学转化过程,并为今后利用光化学技术对有机污染土壤进行修复提供科学依据。

    The results help us understand the photochemical reaction of organic pollutants in soil and provide us academic foundation for photochemical remediation of contaminated soil .