
  • 网络Stepper;mask aligner;lithography machine
  1. EM系列光刻机维修技术

    Repairing and Maintenance of EM Serial Mask Aligner

  2. JB系列光刻机的原理及维修技术

    Principle and Repairing of JB Serial Mask Aligner

  3. X射线光刻机的开发研制

    Research on the exploit of the X-ray photo-etching machine

  4. 同步辐射X射线光刻机中电机发热对进给工件台定位测量的影响

    The Influences of X-Ray Lithography System Motor on Positioning Measurement of Feeding Stage

  5. X射线光刻机中应用的精密定位工作台

    Precision Location Platform Used in X-ray Photoetching Machine

  6. 基于线阵CCD的光刻机调焦调平系统的研究

    Research on Focus and Level System for Stepper Based on Linear Array CCD

  7. 介绍了一种基于线阵CCD的光刻机调焦调平系统,讨论了其检测和控制原理。

    A focus and level system of stepper based on linear array CCD was introduced , its testing and controlling principles were discussed .

  8. 在有限元模型建立的基础之上,应用有限元分析软件ANSYS对光刻机微动台及工件台进行了动态特性分析,主要是模态分析、瞬态分析及谐响应分析。

    The dynamic characteristics of lithography wafer stage were analysed through applying the finite element analysis software ANSYS based on the establishment of finite element model .

  9. 基于零部件的FMEA在光刻机研发中的应用

    The Application of FMEA Based on Parts in the Research and Development of Lithography Tool

  10. 提出了一种检测光刻机投影物镜密集线焦深(DOF)的新技术。

    A novel method for measuring dense-line depth of focus ( DOF ) of a lithographic projection system is proposed .

  11. 利用Nikon光刻机进行膜应力评价

    Evaluation of Stress in Thin Films with a Nikon Stepper

  12. 以PMAC运动控制器为核心,搭建了光刻机隔振试验台。

    Taking the PMAC motion controller as the core , designed a vibration isolation stage for the lithography ;

  13. 光刻机是IC制造中最重要和最复杂的关键设备之一,精密运动工件台是光刻机中重要的子系统,其性能直接影响着光刻机的精度和生产效率。

    Lithography is one of the most important and complicated key equipments for the Integrated Circuit ( IC ) manufacture . The ultra-precision stage is the important subsystem of lithography .

  14. UV-LIGA深度光刻机平滑衍射技术研究

    An Investigation on Diffraction Reducing Technology of Equipment for UV-LIGA Deep Lithography

  15. Nikon步进重复光刻机的对位机制

    Alignment Mechanism of Nikon Step and Repeat Machine

  16. 相对于传统PID主从同步控制方法,同步偏差的移动平均差减小18.2%,移动标准差减小61.5%,可以保证光刻机的曝光效果。

    Compared with the conventional PID masterslave control method , the move mean difference is reduced by18.2 % and the move standard deviation is reduced by61.5 % , and the exposure effect can be ensured .

  17. 尽管由于近期智能手机和平板电脑的风行令小尺寸LCD面板表现较为活跃,但尼康第三季度售出的18台LCD光刻机中仍有12台是面向大尺寸面板(7/8G)的产品。

    Although small-size LCD capex has been robust recently for tablet and smart phone panels , 12 of the18 units shipped were for large size ( 7 / 8G ) panels .

  18. DSW光刻机中的最短时间自动对准系统

    The Time-optimal Auto - alignment System in DSW Photolithographic Process

  19. 本文研究了最短时问控制系统在DSW光刻机自动对准系统中的应用问题。

    Application of time-optimal auto-alignment system in DSW photolithographic process is investigated in this paper .

  20. BG-105型分步投影光刻机调平控制系统分析与软件处理

    The Analysis and Programming for BG-105 Stepper 's Leveling-control System

  21. 建立了步进扫描光刻机模拟隔振试验平台的ADAMS多体动力学仿真模型,对减振系统主要结构参数进行了选择。

    The ADAMS multi-body dynamic model for the simulated vibration-isolation testing device of the stepping and scanning lithography is established to carry on optimized design and choice for the main structure parameters of the active vibration reduction system .

  22. 在工艺中,应用Nicon光刻机,提高了光刻质量;

    In the process , using Nicon photoetching improves the photoetch quality ;

  23. 他还表示,现有的液浸式光刻机将会继续服役到10nm或更高级别的节点制程。

    Existing immersion lithography tools will serve flash makers down to geometries of less than10nm , two generations from today 's processes , he said .

  24. 概述了调平控制系统在BG-105型分步投影光刻机中的重要性和BG-105型分步投影光刻机调平控制系统的工作原理。

    This paper describes the importance of leveling-control system of BG-105 Stepper and introduces the operating principle of BG-105 Stepper 's leveling-control system .

  25. 该系统作为一种新型的掩模-硅片对准技术,应用于光刻机中可获得优于20nm的定位对准精度。

    As a new alignment technology between mask and silicon wafer , the technology can offer a better than 20 nm alignment precision repeat used in lithography systems .

  26. 论述了采用FMEA对光刻机可靠性的研究,总结了应用FMEA方法进行光刻机系统分析的步骤和流程,最后应用该方法对光刻机整机系统进行了可靠性分析和评估。

    By carefully researching the reliability of lithography tool , this paper introduces FMEA to this area and describes the whole analysis process of this application . At last , the analysis and evaluation of reliability are described for the lithography system .

  27. 本报告针对45nm产业化EUV光刻机设备的需求,提出适用于真空作业的高速度高精度真空工件台的设计方案,以及相关的控制技术方案。

    The report is proposed according to the requirments of 45 nm node commercial EUV lithography . Vaccum compatible stage structure and control strategy is investigated for high velocity and ultra precision mass production .

  28. 概述了BG-102型分步投影光刻机减振台的空气弹簧和高度阀的结构和工作原理,同时介绍了有关技术参数设计。

    The construction and working principle of air spring and height valve for vibration reduction table of the model BG-102 stepper is summarized in this paper , And also introducing the correlative design of technical parameter .

  29. 0.35μm分步重复投影光刻机气浮工件台研究

    Study of air-bearing stage system in 0.35 μ m wafer stepper

  30. 0.5μm分步光刻机关键参数测量与分析

    Measurement and Analysis of Critical Parameters for 0.5 μ m Stepper