
  • 网络Elemental;The Element
  1. 这位是艾尔伦,来自元素族的使节。

    This is aereon , an envoy from the elemental race .

  2. 去杀害一个手无寸铁的元素族。

    To kill one stranded elemental .

  3. 球面稳定同伦群π,S中的一个新非平凡元素族(英文)

    A New Infinite Family in π _S ~

  4. 斜削梁协调元素族及其在梁固有振动分析上的应用

    A family of tapered beam conforming elements and its application to beam natural vibration analysis

  5. 微量元素对B族维生素同步荧光分析法影响的研究

    Research on the Effect of Trace Elements on the Synchronous Fluorescence Analysis of B-Family Vitamins

  6. 简而言之,黄瓜是美容圣品,含维C、钾元素、B族维生素和硅元素。

    To be short , cucumbers are a great beauty product that contains Vitamin C , potassium , B group vitamins and silica .

  7. 糙米、胚芽米、精白米中多种矿质元素和B族维生素含量的比较研究

    Comparison of the Contents of Some Mineral Elements and B Group Vitamins Among Brown Rice , Milled Rice with Embryo and Pollished Rice of the Same Geographical Origin

  8. 本文在Al-Mg-Si系铝合金基础之上,调整合金元素和过渡族元素,改进其组织和性能,开发出一种适合舰载飞机的中强、耐蚀铝合金。

    On the base of Al-Mg-Si alloys , the alloying elements were adjusted and transitional metals were added to improve the microstructures and mechanical properties , a new type of alloy with medium strength and high corrosion resistance was developed , which is suitable for the need of carrier-based aircrafts .

  9. 稀土元素&铁族金悀非晶态薄膜的磁特性及其应用

    Magnetic properties of amorphous rare earth-transition metal thin films and their applications

  10. 一些铂族元素的硫族化合物

    The Chalcogenides of Some Platinum Group Element

  11. 给出了利用模块、产品平台、通用产品结构和领域等元素构建产品族全局逻辑组织模型的方法。

    Modules , platform and general product structure construct the overall logical organization of product families covering four domains across the lifecycle .

  12. 通过解读大众传媒所提供的信息,柯尔克孜族受众传统价值观及行为规范发生了改变,大众传媒加快了现代文化元素融入柯尔克孜族传统文化的进程。

    Inevitably , their traditional values and behavior change greatly . Mass media quickened the penetration of modern cultural elements into traditional Kirghiz culture .

  13. 从这些具有不同骨架构型的簇合物可以看出,主族元素&主族元素之间的相互作用对这类原子簇化合物的骨架构型变化和稳定性有着重要作用。

    These compounds exhibit various cluster skeleton structures with different bridging ligands of group ⅵ A , which show the ligand-ligand element interactions are playing an important role in configuration and stability of the skeleton of the clusters .

  14. 稀土永磁材料是以稀土金属元素与过渡族金属所形成的金属间化合物为基本的永磁材料,稀土永磁材料的磁性能与组成该永磁体的稀土化合物的晶体结构有密切关系。

    Rare-earth permanent magnet materials are mostly formed with intermetallic compounds which are synthesized by rare-earth element and transition metals . The magnetic property of rare-earth permanent magnet materials has close relation with the crystal structures of rare-earth compounds .

  15. 富Co铁锰结壳不仅异常富集铂族元素,而且铂族元素及其它亲铁元素的配分与陨石特征非常相似。

    Cobalt rich ferromanganese crusts are significantly rich in platinum group elements , and the partition of platinum group elements in cobalt rich ferromanganese crusts is very similar to that of meteorite .

  16. 正是这项发现,使德国化学家JohannDebereiner产生怀疑,是否所有的化学元素都是成族出现的。

    This was one of the observations that led a German chemist called Johann Debereiner to wonder if all chemical elements came in families .

  17. 结果表明,稀土元素Er和过渡族元素Mn对改善合金力学性能是有益的,但是当它们共同加入时,强化效果会削弱,影响单一元素各自单独发挥作用。

    The results showed that the element erbium and manganese had good effect on improving the Al-Mg alloy mechanical properties , but the strengthening effect would be weakened when they were added together , and influenced the function of individual element .

  18. 论传统蒙古族元素在现代蒙古族服饰设计中的应用

    On the Application of Traditional Mongolian Cultural Elements to Modern Mongolian Costume Design

  19. 布什维尔德铂族元素矿床:铂族矿物赋存状态及其成因

    PGE deposits in Bushveld Complex : The occurrence and origin of the platinum-group minerals

  20. 新型增感剂包括元素周期表Ⅷ族金属络合物和硫族元素的化合物。

    These chemical sensitizers comprises of ⅷ group metal complex of Periodic Table of Elements and chalcogen element compounds .

  21. 我国重质稠油具有陆相成因特点,它的物理化学特性是粘度高、含硫低和微量元素含量低;族组成中非烃和沥青质含量高,饱和烃含量低;

    The physico-chemical properties of heavy oils originating from the continental deposits are high viscosity , low sulphur and trace elements content , high non-hydrocarbon and asphaltene content , and low saturated hydrocarbon contents .

  22. 本文关注到上海世博会中抢眼的土家非遗元素,以土家族为例,进行了会展活态开发模式的探讨。

    This paper concerns in the Shanghai world expo in Tujia that grabs an eye not to spare elements , for example , it carried on the Tujia exhibition active protection development pattern discussion .

  23. 研究还发现重矿物、碳酸盐、某些微量元素以及过渡金属元素,如铁族元素Fe、Mn、V、Cr、Ni和亲铜元素Cu、Zn等在判别沉积物长江、黄河源属性方面比较有效;

    We also find that heavy minerals , carbonate , some trace elements and transitive metals , such as Fe , Mn , V , Cr , Ni , Cu , Zn are effective in discriminating the origin of the sediment , from Yangtze River or Yellow River ?