
  • 网络children's music;children music
  1. 浅谈儿童音乐素质教育

    A Brief Discussion of the Improvement of Children 's Music Quality

  2. 儿童音乐形态所呈现的美学特征;

    Aesthetic characteristics appearing in the form of children 's music ;

  3. 影响儿童音乐能力形成的因素研究综述

    Research on factors influencing the development of children 's musical ability

  4. 少年儿童音乐心理发展的特征及教学原则

    The features of children 's music psychological development and music teaching principle

  5. 儿童音乐玩偶止血带的研制及临床应用

    The manufacture and clinical applying observation of children music puppet haemostatic bandage

  6. 将同伴教育引入儿童音乐教育的初探

    Research on the Children Music Education with the Adhibition of Peer Education

  7. 自闭症儿童音乐智能开发培养的个案研究

    A Case Study on the Development of an Autistic Child 's Musical Intelligence

  8. 特殊儿童音乐治疗机制、功能及实施原则

    The Mechanism , Functions and Practicing Principles of Music Therapy for the Exceptional Children

  9. 湖南省视力残疾儿童音乐教育现状调查及策略研究

    The Investigation and Strategy Research of Visually Impaired Children 's Music Education in Hunan

  10. 担负儿童音乐创造力培养的理论研究与教学实验已成为音乐教育工作者的社会使命。

    It 's musicians ' task to bear the theory study and make teaching experiments .

  11. 对于学前儿童音乐教育而言,音乐教育应以教育价值取向为主,以音乐价值取向为辅,两者互为补充。

    Preschool music education should be oriented towards educational values , supplemented with music values .

  12. 本文是对现代儿童音乐教育中以儿童为本的教育理念的反思。

    This paper gives a review on the modern music education theory of Children Centered Education .

  13. 西方儿童音乐的分类。

    Western children 's music classification .

  14. 音乐创造是20世纪儿童音乐教育发展最受重视的的教学领域之一。

    Musical creation was the quickest developed teaching field of child music education in the 20th century .

  15. 课外活动:长笛手,校交响乐团成员,社区志愿者教授儿童音乐知识。

    Extracurriculars : flute player , school orchestra member , teaching children music on a volunteer basis .

  16. 卡尔·奥尔夫,是20世纪具有广泛国际声誉的德国作曲家、音乐戏剧家、儿童音乐教育家。

    Carl Orff is a German composer , dramatist and educator of international reputation in the 20th century .

  17. 陈鹤琴儿童音乐教育思想与当代音乐教育思想的一致性

    Consistency between Chen He-qin 's Thoughts on Children 's Musical Education and Musical Educational Thoughts at Present Age

  18. 并从哲学层面对本原的由来及其内涵作一梳理和阐释,在理论上阐明儿童音乐教育回归本原的必要性。

    Clarify the necessity of music education for children to return to the Origin in the theories level .

  19. 本论文拟从儿童音乐智能入手,探讨多元智能在儿童音乐教育教学中的综合运用;

    This thesis begins from the analyze of the usage of Multiple Intelligence Theory in child music education .

  20. 走出少年儿童音乐教育的误区谈电脑辅助中学英语教学的误区

    Away from the wrong path of youngsters ' musical education Wrong Doings In Computer-Aided English Teaching At High School

  21. 砂槌在儿童音乐教学中也很受欢迎,还有在节奏型乐队中也非常流行。

    Maracas are also very popular with children and are commonly included in the instruments of the rhythm band .

  22. 我们的课程以孩子为中心,将我们不断的课堂实践的研究和我们在儿童音乐教育方面30年的经验结合在一起。

    Our child-centered curricula incorporate ongoing , in-classroom studies with our own , 30-years'experience in music and child development .

  23. 中外儿童音乐教育的成就和经验,可作为我国音乐教育的借鉴。

    We can use the existing achievement and experience on child music education for reference of China 's music education .

  24. 研究结果表明:家庭的音乐环境是影响儿童音乐能力发展的一个重要因素。

    Research conclusions showed that the family musical environment played an important part in the development of children 's musical ability .

  25. 第三部分是揭示音乐创造力教学与儿童音乐创造力之间的因果关系的教学实验。

    The third part of the paper shows some teaching experiments with the causality between musical creative teaching and children 's musical creativity .

  26. 本文主要采用调查问卷、实地考察、座谈、交流听课、文献分析等方法,从幼儿园和家庭两方面入手,对学前儿童音乐教育状况进行了实地调查和研究。

    This paper adopts questionnaire , on-the-spot investigation , discussion and communication methods . The study is made both from kindergarten and family .

  27. 为达到此教学目的,应努力使教学的内容、方法、手段,合乎少年儿童音乐心理的发展水平和特点。

    In order to attain this goal the teaching material and methods should be in conformity with the features of children 's music psychological development .

  28. 综观20世纪各个著名的儿童音乐教育体系,无不将音乐创造放在重要的位置上。

    From the comprehensive survey on the famous child musical education system in the 20th century , musical creation is all placed at the important position .

  29. 中心的宗旨为推广正统的儿童音乐艺术教育,为一岁半的幼儿至十七岁的少年儿童,提供全面而多元化的音乐及艺术训练课程。

    It offers a variety of performing arts programs to promote formal education in music and arts for children aged eighteen months to seventeen years old .

  30. 作为儿童音乐教育的内容之一,他出版一个特别为年轻读者准备的版本,名为《琴键飞扬》。

    As part of his commitment to the education of children , he released a version of his autobiography specifically for younger readers , entitled Playing with Flying Keys .