
  • 网络All In;The Way It Was
  1. 从今以后他的生活将不再像从前一样。

    Henceforth his life would never be the same again .

  2. 快点,会像从前一样。

    Come on , it 'll be like old times .

  3. 人们再也不会像从前一样看你。

    People never look at you the same way again .

  4. 不久,你就会像从前一样失败的。

    Soon you 'll be drowning in lycans , just like before .

  5. 是的,又像从前一样了

    Yeah , it 's. .. just like old times .

  6. 却仍旧想要像从前一样。

    And just wants to go on as before .

  7. 他又能像从前一样看东西了。

    As before , he can look at things .

  8. 我真希望我的作品能像从前一样被人认为有价值。

    I did hope that my work would be deemed worthy , as before .

  9. 但她仍然像从前一样辛勤地操劳。

    but she works as hard as ever .

  10. 她看起来像从前一样。

    He looked just the same as before .

  11. 第一步我会像从前一样上场打球。

    The first step to return to court and play as I used to .

  12. 你是否还会像从前一样?

    If I saw you in heaven ?

  13. 他还像从前一样滔滔不绝地说着话。

    He talked as volubly as ever .

  14. 我们还能像从前一样吗?

    Would it be the same ?

  15. 老修女仍然像从前一样专横,看到孩子们时却显得温和多了。

    The old nun was as imperious as ever , but visibly thawed when she saw the children .

  16. 像从前一样,我很乐观。现在我们只差在合同上签字了。

    I am optimistic like I was before and now we only lack the stamp on the contract .

  17. 记者∶在这两部影片当中演出,你是否还像从前一样总觉得趣味无穷?

    Interviewer : When you do this , is it still as much fun as it always was ?

  18. “我得像从前一样,”他一边把视频播放给欧德宁看,一边说。

    " I need to be like that ," he told Otellini when he played this video for his boss .

  19. 所以他们假装他还病着,而且还像从前一样不讨人喜欢!”

    So they have to pretend he 's still ill and just as disagreeable as he used to be ! "

  20. 所以她想,“他不再像从前一样爱我了,他只关心他的事业,而是我。”

    So she thought ," He doesn 't love me anymore , he just cares his business , not me . "

  21. 他认为美国的许多土地应该给美国原著居民,以便让他们能够像从前一样充分享受生活。

    He said huge areas of the country should be left for Native Americans to enjoy life as they always had .

  22. 他穿着警察制服,像从前一样,在大道上巡逻,身上有一种奇异的感觉。

    He had a queer feeling being back in uniform , patrolling the streets as he had done so many times .

  23. 人民再也不能像从前一样在斯德哥尔摩的街上频繁看到领导人的身影,而进入政府办公大楼的程序也更加繁琐。

    Sightings of leading politicians on Stockholm 's streets are rarer than they once were and access to government buildings is trickier .

  24. 在你心里我已不再重要,可我清楚地看到,我的爱已不再像从前一样盲目。

    Now I 'm not even a thought in your mind . I can see clearly , my love is not blind .

  25. 生活又像从前一样,一下子变得很单调,也许是因为生活中少了一些需要去特别关心的事情。

    Life is attending to be so monotonous as before , maybe it attached to the missing of something I am significantly concerned with .

  26. 所以,如果我现在说出这个,其他人因为再没有这样的材料给他们加工将依然像从前一样去爱。

    So , if I now should utter this , others because there is no more such stuff to work upon would love but as before .

  27. 随着酒店实习生数量的日渐增多,越来越多的酒店意识到实习生管理已经不能像从前一样简单随意。

    With the growing of the number of hotel intern , more and more hotels realized intern management cannot be done at random and simply as before .

  28. 同过去一样,一位中国妇女在一次购物中通常会花费100美元,但如今她们会购买10样,而不是像从前一样购买6样更加昂贵的商品。

    A Chinese woman might typically spend $ 100 in a shopping outing , as before , but now she 'll buy not10 items but six more expensive ones .

  29. 迈克尔和卡洛斯在学校时是好朋友,现在还是像从前一样亲密,他不解地问道:兄弟,你所说的那个突然的改变究竟是怎么回事?

    Michael , who felt like no time had passed since he and Carlos were close friends in school , asked , What are you talking about , Carlos ?

  30. 等到祸患临头,所有的财物化为乌有,想求得像从前一样,过一天平安的日子也不可得,那就太迟了。

    When misfortune befalls and all wealth is gone , at that time , it is impossible and too late for them to have even a peaceful life as usual .