
  • 网络debt capital
  1. 在创业企业成长的过程中,除了风险资本的介入外,还需要其它权益资本和债权资本的支持,而它们往往也是风险资本实现收益退出的重要形式。

    Venture capital backs the growth of startups , as well as equity capital and debt capital , which is the main ways of venture capital exit .

  2. 西方财务理论认为,由于风险和税收的原因,债权资本成本远远低于股权资本。

    According to the western financial theories , the cost of debt capital is lower by far than that of equity capital because of risk and tax .

  3. 企业融资包括股权和债权资本两个部分。

    Firm 's capital consists of equity and debt .

  4. 一些分析师估计,第三季度大型银行的债权资本市场交易收入或较第二季度增长50%。

    Some analysts reckon that DCM revenues at big banks could rise by 50 per cent from the second quarter .

  5. 因此,在其他因素一定的情况下,企业筹资应优先考虑债权资本。

    Therefore , business enterprise should give debt financing a prior role under the certain circumstance that other factors are certain .

  6. 对于融资,理论研究主要集中在债权资本和股权资本两者的比例构成方面,进而是对这两类资本的内部结构问题的研究。

    For financing , theoretical research mainly focuses on capital and equity capital in debt ratio of both , and then to the composition of the two kinds of capital is the internal structure of research .

  7. 上市公司选择负债经营主要目的是希望通过债权资本带来的财务杠杆效应实现对每股收益的扩张作用,实现公司价值最大化的经营目标。

    The purpose that the listed companies choose to operate in liability is to realize the expansion function on the earning per share ( EPS ) through the financial lever effect of debt capital so as to realize the enterprise 's value maximization .

  8. 这份文件中指出,鉴于目前大型英美银行在集团控股结构的顶层不具备充足的债权和股权资本,监管机构将有必要采取措施解决这个问题。

    The document states that since big US and UK banks do not currently hold sufficient debt and equity at the top of their group holding structures , regulators will need to take steps to address that .

  9. 债权所具有的资本性越来越受到人们的重视,甚至将来可能产生的债权的资本性也备受人们的关注。

    People pay more and more attention to the capital of claims , or even the capital arising from future claims .

  10. 其次,文章还介绍了债转股的基本理论,如将债转股与可转换公司债、以债权出资、借贷资本等相似法律概念作了比较。

    In addition , Secondly , this article compares Debt-to-Equity Swap with convertible debts , investing debt and capital on loan .

  11. 股权融资与债权融资既是公司资本的两个主要来源,同时由于其能对公司经营绩效产生影响,因此也被视为改善公司经营绩效的重要途径。

    Equity financing and debt financing are the two main sources of corporate capital , and since they can impact the company performance , it is also considered the important way to improve business performance .

  12. 笔者通过分析英美和日德公司的融资治理,发现融资治理的有效性会受到投资者性质、股权和债权集中度及资本市场等条件的影响。

    By analyzing financial governance of companies in Britain , America , Japan and Germany , the author finds that the financial governance 's effectiveness will be influenced by such conditions as investor 's nature , concentration ratio of stock 's and creditor 's rights and capital market .

  13. 而债权让与制度的确立完善则进一步推动了债权的资本化,以至债权在近现代社会取得了优越于物权的地位。第二章集中分析了债权让与之客体。

    And claims to establish and perfect the system will be further promoted the claims of the capital , as well as claims in the past have made modern society superior to the status of property . Chapter ⅱ concentrate on with the object to the claims .