
  • 网络Credit Principles;principles of credit
  1. 实行联合评审的信贷项目原则上在10亿元以上。

    The credit projects applicable for joint assessment are RMB1 billion or above in principle .

  2. 企业生命周期理论和银行的信贷经营原则要求银行业在信贷经营过程中必须实施信贷退出。

    According to Theory of Corporate Lifecycles and fundamental principle of credit operation , banks must retreat from credit management .

  3. 但是这还远不能被看作是启动信贷的原则性行动,外界认为这是日本银行是一个微弱的试探,以摆脱受政府影响,然而这却更加影响其信誉。

    But far from being seen as a principled move to jump-start lending , this was perceived as a weak attempt by the bank to get the government off its back & and the BoJ 's credibility took a further knock .

  4. 第五章综合上述的分析,在明确扶贫信贷实践的原则与目标的基础上,提出优化的扶贫信贷管理模式,包括小额直贷模式、整村推进模式及产业化扶贫模式。

    The fifth chapter of the above analysis , on the basis of a clear principle and target of alleviation poverty practice , showed the optimized alleviation poverty management model , including directly micro-credit model , the whole-village promoting model and the industrialized anti-poverty model .

  5. 周二,美国和中国同意就制定出口信贷融资的指导原则举行磋商,此举有望使中国向经合组织(OECD)成员国所使用的规则靠拢。

    On Tuesday , the US and China agreed to begin talks on setting guidelines for export-credit financing which could bring Beijing within rules used by OECD member countries .

  6. 其次,本文论述了小企业信贷管理创新的原则和思路,并针对DY银行小企业信贷管理的实际情况设计小企业信贷管理的创新方案。

    Secondly , the paper discusses the principles and ideas of small business credit management innovation , and designs innovation of small business credit management program for the DY bank small business credit management .

  7. 需要指出的是,房地产信贷风险监管的原则定位在于安全与公平。

    It points out is that the principle localization lies in the security and fair .

  8. 主要论述了可持续金融理念、绿色信贷的基础赤道原则和绿色信贷的产生与发展,对每个部分进行回顾和总结,为我国完善绿色信贷以及构建法律制度提供理论参考。

    This part describes sustainable financial , the equator principle and the green credit production and the development , to provides the theory reference for perfect green credit legal regime .

  9. 本文从银行信贷服务的现状,借鉴西方现代银行的风险管理理念,提出了改进和完善银行信贷服务的基本原则和具体设想。

    The basic principle and specific hypothesis of improving and perfecting banking credit service have been put forward based on the current situation of banking credit service and using the modern risk management ideas of the western banks for reference .

  10. 四是构建了商业银行信贷退出策略体系,该体系从定性和定量两方面构建了信贷退出的判断标准,针对不同类型的退出企业提出了信贷退出的具体原则、信贷退出的时机等。

    Fourthly , the thesis has set up the strategy system of commercial bank credit exit which formed judgment standard from qualitative and quantitative of sides , put forward concrete principles and opportunities of credit exit for different types of enterprises .