
  • 网络Credit policy
  1. 第三部分主要论述了企业信用政策的建立。

    The third chapter mainly discusses establishment of credit policy .

  2. 研究了基于客户战略的企业信用政策设计。

    The trade credit policy based on enterprise strategy has been designed .

  3. 论企业产品生命周期各阶段信用政策的选择

    On Selection of Credit Policies in Different Stages of Product Life Cycle

  4. 八维公司信用政策及应收账款管理研究

    Eight-dimensional Company 's Policies Credit and Accounts Receivable Management Research

  5. 浅析应收账款信用政策的评估

    Analysis on Assessment of Credit Policy of Account Receivable

  6. 指导员工信用政策和设备的操作;

    Instructing staff in credit policies and facilities ;

  7. 本章阐述了企业信用政策的制定原则和信用政策制定应遵循的基本流程。

    This chapter elaborated the principles to make credit policy and the basic process of making credit policy .

  8. 进行应收账款投资分析,确定适当的信用政策;

    Investment analysis to A Tyre & Rubber Company 's accounts receivable management , and determine proper credit policies ;

  9. 对于应收账款的管理,信用政策的制定大都是根据以往的经验,也没有相应的资信评估系统。

    As the accounts receivable management , credit policies are based on previous experience without corresponding credit rating system .

  10. 对如何合理制定企业信用政策和收帐政策,以及应收帐款政策对企业成本、收益与风险的影响等进行初步的探讨。

    The policy of credit and accounts receivable , the influence of cost , revenue and risk are studyed .

  11. 对无法收回的应收账款额有所限制不仅是企业的一种合理的需求,也是其是否拥有健全的信用政策的标志。

    A limited amount of uncollectible accounts is not only expected & it is evidence of a sound credit policy .

  12. 信用政策的制定应本着成本效益、稳定性、灵活性、系统配合和谨慎性原则。

    When making credit policy , cost-benefit , stability , flexibility , coordination and prudence should be taken into consideration .

  13. 在这篇文章的最后作者痛斥了所有坚持要求美国紧缩信用政策的右派。

    And finally in this post he bashes all those right wingers who keep clamoring for tighter monetary policy in the US .

  14. 赊销效果的好坏,取决于企业的信用政策,包括信用期间、信用标准、现金折扣等。

    The result of credit sale depends on enterprises ' credit policy , including reputation period , reputation standard and cash discount , etc. .

  15. 探讨应收账款的功能与成本、信用政策的内容及信用政策的选择方法,意欲为同行起到抛砖引玉之效。

    This article mainly elaborates the function of accounts receivable , the cost , the credit policy content and the credit policy choice method .

  16. 第一,本文对信用政策相关理论的阐述不够全面,仅仅采用信用不对称理论和博弈论进行分析,而未应用契约理论、产权理论等相关理论进行分析,理论上选择和论证的力度不够。

    First , this article does not elaborate comprehensively the theory of credit policy , uses merely the asymmetry theory and the game theory to analyze .

  17. 除导论之外,本文共分为五章,各章的主要内容和观点如下:第一章,企业信用政策制定与选择的理论基础。

    And the contents and viewpoints of each chapter were as follows : The first chapter displayed the theory of credit policy making and choosing for enterprise .

  18. 第四章研究了信用政策的变化对信用决策的影响,包括信用标准,信用条件,收帐政策的不同所采取的信用决策。

    The fourth chapter studied the credit policy change how to influence credit decision-making , including the credit standard , the credit condition , and collection policy .

  19. 然后,针对银行业务中客户信用政策给出了实例分析,用该算法建立了一个分类模型,根据存款金额、贷款次数、及时还贷率等数据信息实现对客户信用等级的分类。

    In this example , according to the loan , the numbers of loaning and the payment-in-time ratio , a model worked for classification of customer credit-rating is created .

  20. 以边际成本理论为基础,通过比较两个信用政策,研究增量收入与增量成本的计算方法,从而确定其增量利润。

    This paper is based on the margin cost . By comparing two credit policies , the author researches the computing methods of incremental revenue and cost and defines the incremental profit .

  21. 企业的应收账款与企业的销售政策、信用政策和销售收款控制密切相关,其变现速度直接影响企业的现金流量和企业的财务与经营状况。

    Enterprise 's account receivable has close contact with its sales policy , credit policy and sales cash control . The development speed of it influences directly cash flow and financial condition .

  22. 第三章景和国际物流集团公司应收账款管理对策研究。进行应收账款投资分析,确定适当的信用政策;

    Chapter 3 , the study on the measures of accounts receivable management . investment analysis to A Tyre & Rubber Company 's accounts receivable management , and determine proper credit policies ;

  23. 通过对当前的农村资本市场发展现状的调研以及对现有信用政策的论证分析,本文从农民、农村金融机构等方面分别论述,对农村资本市场的资本融通和配置进行了实证研究。

    Based on the current capital market development in rural areas , the paper studied the rural capital market from the three aspects of the farmers , rural financial banks and government .

  24. 本文分析了现代企业应收账款管理中存在的问题和成因,给出了制定合理信用政策、加强坏帐管理、建立清欠机制和强化企业内部监管等应收账款风险管理的措施。

    We analyze the relevant problems , and give some countermeasures to setting up the credit policy , controlling the bad debts , constructing the payment institutions , and strengthening the interior management .

  25. 最后有针对性从大力发展县域经济、重构县域金融体系和构建良好外部信用政策环境三个方面对西部地区县域金融的发展提出了对策和建议。

    In the end , it raises some counter plans and suggestions which aims at strongly developing county economy , rebuilding county financial system and founding a good external environment of credit policy .

  26. 本章主要阐述制约信用政策的诸多因素,说明企业信用政策的选择必须综合考虑各方面的影响因素,才能合理制定和选择信用政策。

    This chapter mainly elaborated the factors restricted credit policy , testified that only when the factors are considered while choosing the credit policy that the credit policy could be reasonably made and chosen .

  27. 分析了消费行为影响因素以及这些因素的变化,给出了有无信贷两种情况下消费行为模型,并结合我国特点,对信贷消费的市场拉动效应及相应的信用政策进行了研究。

    Model of consuming behavior in instance of credit or no credit was presented in this paper , through analyzing the factors of influencing consuming behavior and these factors ' variability according to our national characteristics .

  28. 借助大量及时的内部和外部数据,通过制定满足其业务需求和市场条件的信用政策,来平衡企业发展和财务稳定性。

    With the help of a large number of timely internal and external data , through the credit policy met their business needs and market conditions , it keeps the balance between the business development and financial stability .

  29. 在单个分销商和单个供应商构成的供应链中,由供应商来决定采取延期支付还是提前支付的商业信用政策,分销商根据供应商的信用政策确定最优的采购批量。

    In the supply chain consisted of single distributor and single supplier , the supplier decides whether to take postponed payment or prepayment as credit policy , while the distributor determines his optimal order quantity according to credit policy provided by the supplier .

  30. 对企业应收账款的管理现状、目标、信用政策及收账政策进行了分析和阐述,就企业应收账款的管理提出了建议。

    It analysed and explained many aspects of the enterprises account receivable such as current situation of management , goal , credit policy and policy of collecting account . The suggestion on management of the account receivable of enterprises has been put forward .