
  • 网络Information input;Input Data
  1. 基于Agent技术的建筑工程量信息输入系统的研究

    The Information Input System of Architectural Engineering Quantity Based on Agent

  2. C3I:一种基于语句的智能化汉字信息输入接口

    C_3i : an intelligence interface for input of Chinese information base on sentence

  3. 自动化气象站将风向信息输入计算机。

    An automatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer .

  4. 艺术品失窃登记处已经将这些艺术品的描述信息输入到计算机里。

    Descriptions of the pieces have been logged on computer by the Art Loss Register

  5. Agent信息输入过程研究

    Information Inputting Process of Agent

  6. NC车削自动编程系统中信息输入建模方法的研究

    The research of establishment of imformation-inputting model in NC lathe Auto-programming system

  7. 基于STEP的CAPP系统信息输入模型

    A STEP-based information input model of CAPP system

  8. CAPP系统轴类零件信息输入方法的研究

    Research on information input method of shaft parts for CAPP system

  9. CAPP中零件信息输入及其发展趋势

    The Input of Part Information in CAPP System and Its Developing Trend

  10. CAPP全信息输入模块的研究与开发

    Research and Development of CAPP Whole Information Input Module

  11. 一种代码与特征组合的信息输入法在汽车零件CAPP系统中的应用

    Application of Information Input Method Combined with Code and Character in CAPP System of Automotive Parts

  12. 信息输入是数控车床自动编程系统的第一个环节,提出信息输入建模方法的研究,旨在解决NC本削自动加工所需数据的输入,存储和快建传递的问题。

    This paper aims at discussing the research of information input process and storage method which are used in NC programming system .

  13. 信息化建模和零件信息输入方法的研究为CAPP系统的开发与应用提供了技术保证。

    Information-based modeling and part information input research of method offer the technological assurance for development and application of CAPP system .

  14. 采用基于角色的访问控制策略、Web访问的认证与授权、根据用户定制页面和信息输入有效性验证等技术相结合起来的系统安全手段,建立了系统安全访问模型。

    A system security access model is established by means of role-based access control strategy , authentication and authorization of web access , customized web pages based on users and required field validation in data input .

  15. 二语言(L2)学习是一种认知过程,它通常包括信息输入、信息处理、言语输出三个阶段。

    The second language learning is a process of cognition , which consists of three basic stages : input , processing and output .

  16. 最初的Turbo编码是一类并行级联递归系统卷积码,译码端采用基于软信息输入一输出的反馈迭代结构。

    The first proposed Turbo codes are parallel concatenation of recursive systematic convolutional codes with iterative decoding structure which adopts soft-in-soft-out decoding algorithms at the receiving end .

  17. 本文介绍个人CAD系统进行复杂刀具设计和绘图的全过程,以及完成全过程软件的3个模块:信息输入模块;设计和计算模块;

    This paper describes the complete process of the design and drawing of complex cutting tools on the self-made personal CAD system and its three modules , the information input , design calculation and drawing .

  18. 在此基础上,研究了实现该CAPP系统的关键技术,包括建立基于Internet的通用化零件信息输入机制、通用化派生式工艺设计方法和通用化创成式工艺设计方法等。

    By these technologies , the key technologies of the CAPP system is investigated , including an Internet-based general mechanism for getting part information , a general variant process planning method and a general generated process planning method .

  19. 建立了创成式CAPP子系统的体系结构模型,该模型由零件信息输入、工艺知识库和推理机组成。

    The general structure model of generated-system for CAPP is built , which is composed of the input of part information , the knowledge database of process planning , and process decision and reasoning module .

  20. RNA聚合酶对转录调节作出抉择依赖于对转录延伸复合物内在的或外来的信息输入,其功能在很大程度上都像是一个信息加工者。

    The decision of RNA polymerase for transcriptional regulation depends on the intrinsic or extrinsic imputs of information to transcription elongation complex . Thus , the function of RNA polymerase looks like an information processor to a great extent .

  21. Natal利用红外摄像头辨识玩家的三维动作,将其转化成信息输入游戏。

    Natal uses an infrared camera to measure a gamer 's motion in three dimensions and turn it into input for a game .

  22. 将定义对象所需的所有信息输入完后,单击Save图标或菜单来保存修改,这将促使针对各个数据库编译脚本并在数据库中创建对象。

    Once you have completed entering all the necessary information for defining the object , click on the Save icon or menu to save the changes , which causes the script to be compiled against the respective database and the object to be created on the database .

  23. 采用CCD原理结合视频采集技术,将生物芯片标本信息输入计算机,并通过专用分析软件对结核LAM、16-kDa、38-kDa蛋白芯片检测信号的定量分析和定性结果判定。

    Through a professional software the quantitative and the qualitative analysis of the LAM , 16-KDa and 38-KDa 's biochip detection consequence is finished .

  24. 织物疵点智能化判别是用BP神经网络进行的,首先对BP神经网络进行了训练,然后将灰度统计法得到的疵点特征值信息输入到BP神经网络,对疵点进行了分类。

    Fabric defects intelligent recognition is done by BP neural network . First BP neural network is being trained , then the basic fabric defect character information , which is acquired by gray level statistical processing , is inputted to BP neural network to classify fabric defects .

  25. 以UGII软件为平台,开发了汽车覆盖件零件模型自动特征识别功能,基本上解决了基于特征的覆盖件冲压工艺CAPP系统信息输入问题。

    A software is developed on UGII platform to automatically recognize features of automobile panels , which realizes the information input of feature-based of automobile panel stamping CAPP system .

  26. 因此,UNU正在建立一个网上工具,社区可以把它们的情况的信息输入,然后获得关于最适合它们的技术的选项。

    Therefore , UNU is creating an online tool where communities can input information about their situation and receive options on the appropriate kinds of technologies .

  27. 借助GEOCORE系统,用户不需任何尺寸公差换算,可直接将完整的三维零件图信息输入计算机。

    By interaction with the system , the detail drawing information can be easily computerized without any dimension and tolerance recalculation .

  28. 为了实现把CDMA模块接收到的信息输入到计算机建立的数据库中,还必须实现CDMA模块和计算机之间的通信,从而实现数据库访问功能,及时更新数据库信息。

    In order to realize the information which the CDMA module receives can be inputed in the database which the computer establishes , the system must realize the correspondence between the CDMA module and the computer , realizing the function of visiting the database and updating the database information promptly .

  29. 本文叙述交互式三维机械零件图信息输入处理系统GEOCORE的图形信息描述方法和数据表达模型。

    The input describing method and representing model adopted in a detail drawing information input processing system ( GEOCORE ) for 3-dimensional mechanical parts are proposed .

  30. 对零件的创成给出了OPTIZ编码和特征组合相结合的零件信息输入方法。

    In the processing of craft creating , the system provides the method that the OPTIZ code and the characteristic code of the part combined together to make up the information inputting .