
  1. 话题识别与跟踪(topicdetectionandtracking,TDT)旨在发展一系列基于事件的信息组织技术,层次化话题识别(hierarchicaltopicdetection,HTD)是其中一项全新的任务定义形式。

    Topic detection and tracking ( TDT ) aims to develop a series of technologies for event based information organization , and hierarchical topic detection ( HTD ) is a new task of it .

  2. 实现了在校级范围内对信息技术课程分层次教学的数据分析和模型建立,并可用于分层教学的初步研究。

    The system can be used in Data analyzing and Model building of Teaching According To Students Levels And Needs of IT courses in school .

  3. 大学计算机信息技术实验课分层次教学探讨

    On the hierarchy teaching of experiments in college information technology

  4. 已有的研究中主要集中于信息技术与分科课程的整合,多是按照信息技术使用的层次来划分信息技术与课程整合的模式。

    The integration of information technology and the separate subject was concerned in previous research . And the mode of the integration of information technology and integrated curriculum was usually divided according to the used level of information technology .