
Research on the Mechanism of China Sports Insurance Market after Entering WTO
Under the insurance market mechanism , the article explore to make the premium rate of agriculture catastrophe insurance products .
Study of Strategy of Market Mechanism of Urban Employee Medical Insurance System
The Institutional Defects in the Exiting Mechanism of our Insurance Market and Its Perfecting & From the View Angle of New Bankruptcy Law
Withdrawal Mechanism of Insurance Company in China
New Rural Cooperative Medical System and City-countryside Dual Social Structure in China-A Mechanisms Analysis of Commercial Insurance Participating in Rural Medical Insurance Market
Japan applies an analogy of false behavior , focusing on the party enjoining real rights . The United States has put title insurance into practice , through the market mechanisms to protect a third party of transactions .
Currently , China 's housing mortgage loan insurance market lacks competing mechanism . In the long run , the situation is not beneficial to the development of housing mortgage load business and the improvement of insurance companies'operation .
In or - der to establish the exiting guarantee system of insurance market , CIRC ( China Insurance Regulatory Commission ) issued IGFMA ( In - surance Guarantee Fund Management Act ) in 2004 , while our new bankruptcy law is being vividly portrayed .
For the purpose of improving the competitive power for Chinese insurance industry , China must build up the sound entry system of insurance market , and control the entry degree of insurance industry .
Last not the least , I made a clear description of the insurance market exit situation in our country and gave some suggestions to improve our insurance market exit system .
At last , we analyze the main problem doers and the mechanism of market in china .
The targets of foreign insurance operation supervision are to ensure the safe operation of foreign insurance , protect the rights and interests of policy holders , guarantee the efficient run of insurance system and the good operation and stable development of insurance market competition mechanism .
And while at this time our new bankruptcy law is portrayed , which brings the banks , insurances and other financial institutions into its adjusting scope .