
  1. 外国保险公司设立的代表机构;

    The representative office established by a foreign insurance company ;

  2. 你得保证保险公司的设立是基于以下前提,即它能保证拥有足够的储存资金,以便用来拟补有可能发生的损失。

    You have to have the insurance company set up with a structure itself that guarantees that they have enough reserves to meet the losses that they might incur .

  3. 多家外国保险公司在大连设立代表处,为进入这个市场做准备。

    Many foreign insurance companies set up agency in Dalian and are ready to enter the market .

  4. 保险费由保险公司集中起来设立保险基金。

    Insurance premium rises centrally by insurance company create insurance fund .

  5. 保险公司是依据保险法和公司法设立的,应当依照保险法和公司法的规定提取公积金。

    Insurance company is created according to insurance law and fair judicatory , ought to law of according to insurance and accumulation fund of extraction of fair judicatory regulation .

  6. 关于在我国设立存款保险制度的时机、存款保险公司的设立及其性质、政府所应扮演的角色、保费的收取以及费率的确定等众多问题在学术界还存在着诸多的争议。

    There are still many dispute about the opportunity of deposit safe system in our country , deposit safe company establish and its nature , what role government should act , how to take insurance cost and so on .

  7. 中国现有保险公司二十六家,境外保险公司在中国设立办事机构的有一百多家。

    There are 26 insurance companies now in China and more than one hundred overseas insurance companies that have established administrative organizations in China .

  8. 借鉴美日互助保险公司监管的经验,中国对互助保险公司的监管应基于规定互助保险公司的设立条件、限制互助保险公司的经营范围,明确互助保险公司的资金运用及盈余分配等方面进行考虑。

    Using their experiences in the supervision of mutual insurance companies for reference , we should mainly study how to regulate the conditions of establishing mutual insurance companies , control their run scopes and specify their utilization of funds and surplus distribution etc.