
  • 网络You just finished and I come on the scene
  1. 你方唱罢我登场,新秀年年不断涌现。

    You just finished and I come on the scene .

  2. 这几年,问题食品像走马灯似的,你方唱罢我登场。

    Over the past years , the " problem foods " appeared one after another .

  3. 在法律思想史的舞台上,自然法学派、实证主义法学派、社会法学派等你方唱罢我登场,演绎着法律效力来源的不同版本。

    In the history of law , Natural Law 、 Positivist Jurisprudence and Sociological School of Law are the man role .

  4. 但欧洲领导人们坚称,尽管政治家们你方唱罢我登场,有一样东西将是永恒的&欧元。

    But while politicians may come and go , European leaders insist that one thing will remain eternal - the euro .

  5. 新的观点和流派层出不穷,你方唱罢我登场,形成了译学研究百家争鸣的局面。

    New opinions and different schools are emerging one after another , with the situation of a hundred schools of thought contending in translation field .

  6. 近年来,语文教育专家和一线语文教师,可谓你方唱罢我登场,纷纷献计献策,尤其是在高中语文写作教学有效性方面做出了很多有价值的研究。

    In recent years , many language education specialists and first-line language teachers , one after another , have offered advice and suggestions , and in particular have made a lot of valuable research on the effectiveness of writing instruction in high school language .

  7. 清末民国,中国社会处于由传统向现代的转型时期,各种思潮激荡、各种政治势力你方唱罢我登场,不仅对城市,也对乡村社会产生了巨大而深远的影响。

    Chinese society was transformed from traditional to modern times in late Qing Dynasty and Public of China . During these years , all kinds of thoughts surged , and various political forces emerged . Not only for the city but also the rural community had a far-reaching impact .

  8. 你知道在马赛教练员是你方唱罢我登场,一茬接一茬的换。

    At Marseille we know that since forever it has been like this , trainers come and go and there has been this atmosphere .