
  1. 由于其重要的杠杆作用,碳融资已经成为支持低碳投资的主要方式之一。

    With significant leveraging , carbon finance is one of the main ways to support low-carbon investment .

  2. 这些建议包括合理的碳排放定价、逐步取消化石燃料补贴和对城市蔓延的激励,发展低碳投资的资本市场,鼓励低排放技术领域的创新,停止砍伐森林以及加速摆脱污染严重的燃煤发电。

    Among these are proper carbon pricing , phasing out of subsidies for fossil fuels and incentives for urban sprawl , promoting capital markets for low-carbon investments , encouraging innovation in low-emissions technologies , halting deforestation and , not least , accelerating the shift from polluting coal-fired power generation .

  3. 我没有看到任何促进低碳技术投资的内容。

    I see nothing here that should drive investment in low-carbon technology .

  4. 但是中国已经以比其它富国更高的比例向低碳能源投资。

    But China is already investing in low-carbon energy at a higher rate than most rich nations .

  5. “我们将开发绿色通道,给低碳技能投资项目大开方便之门,”他说。“我们同时欢迎投资者参加海洋资源开发。”

    " We will open a'green pass'to facilitate investment projects with low-carbon technologies ," he said . " We also welcome partners to join us in developing ocean industries . "

  6. 我们需要设计激励举措从价格到监管标准,以促进低碳领域的投资和创新。

    The incentives from prices to regulatory standards need to be structured to drive investment and innovation in low carbon .

  7. 从考虑价值工程的角度来研究低碳建筑的投资决策问题,有助于低碳建筑的推广应用、低碳设计方案优选和低碳建筑的开发建设,以及资源节约型、环境友好型社会的创建。

    Study on the low-carbon investment from the view of value engineering , help to the low-carbon popularization and application , design scheme selection , development and construction , and advancing building of an resource-saving , environment-friendly society .

  8. 廉价的HFC-23额度妨碍了对于低碳发电厂的投资。

    Cheap HFC-23 credits are a disincentive to investing in low-carbon electricity plants .

  9. 据分析师们估算,每吨价格高于40欧元,才足以刺激对低碳新技术的投资。

    Analysts estimate that prices of more than 40 a tonne are required to stimulate investment in new low-carbon technologies .

  10. 第二章主要介绍了低碳经济、绿色投资、绿色外资的相关概念与引资战略的理论基础,并提出了一些传统的引资战略。

    The second chapter introduces not only the related concepts such as low-carbon economy , green investment and green foreign investment but also the theoretical basis for attracting foreign investment , and some traditional strategies are provided to attract foreign capital .

  11. 最后,从对接东道国碳排放标准、推动低碳技术寻求型对外投资、参与国际气候政策制定、控制低碳对外投资等方面提出推动对外投资模式转型的政策建议。

    At last , the paper puts forward policy suggestions from such aspects as dovetailling carbon emissions standards in host country , promoting outward investment seeking for low-carbon technology , participating in policy-making of international climate , and controlling low-carbon outward investment .