
  • 网络lower atmosphere
  1. 基于MATLAB微波低层大气传播轨迹数值仿真

    Numeric Simulation of Microwave Propagation Path in Lower Atmosphere Based on MATLAB

  2. 二氧化碳(CO2)等气体把人为产生的热量阻拦在低层大气中而产生温室效应。

    Gases such as carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) create a greenhouse effect by trapping human-induced heat in the lower atmosphere .

  3. 北京市夏季低层大气NOx、O3垂直分布观测研究

    Study on the Vertical Observations of NO_x and O_3 in the Low Level of ABL in Beijing Area

  4. 通过分类统计和多元线性回归,分析了福州市低层大气污染物及降水量对降水pH值的影响。

    The effects of the air pollutants in low altitude and the precipitation on pH value of rainfall in Fuzhou were analyzed by statistic and multi-factor linear regression .

  5. 各高度SO2和NOx之间的关系有较好的一致性,NOx大约为SO2浓度的2倍或2倍以上;污染源排放是造成北京城市低层大气空气污染严重与否的主要原因之一;

    NO x is about 2 times as much as SO 2 . The source emission was main reason for air pollution in Beijing .

  6. 天津市250m低层大气风廓线模式的试验研究

    Experiment study of the models of wind profiles in 250 m lower atmosphere layer in Tianjin

  7. 螺旋CT多平面和曲面重建在低位胆道梗阻诊断中的应用最终空气阻力会使它们高度降低、出轨道,在重返地表的过程中,被浓密的低层大气燃烧殆尽。

    The application of multislice CT multiplanar reconstruction and curved planar reformations in diagnosis of low-set biliary obstruction Eventually atmospheric drag removes them from orbit by lowering their altitudes until they burn up on reentry into the dense lower atmosphere .

  8. 分析结果表明降水pH值与低层大气中总悬浮颗粒含量、降水量呈负相关,说明福州市大气悬浮颗粒偏酸性,而降水量是降水pH值的重要影响因素。

    The result showed that a negative association existed between the pH value and the concentration of total suspend particle and the precipitation , which indicated that the total suspend particle was acid and the precipitation was an important factor affecting the pH value .

  9. 1999年在常熟农业生态站试验稻田于水稻主要生长季,利用进口的条件采样装置对水稻低层大气N2O的垂直通量进行了观测,并在2000年做了补充观测。

    In the period from 1999 to 2000 , the N 2O vertical flux in the low atmosphere during the main growing seasons of rice was measured using conditional sampling method over a rice paddy at Changshu Agriculture Ecological Station .

  10. 大气电场较强的区域主要在20km以下的低层大气区,其垂直分量比水平分量大4个数量级。

    The region with strong electric field is mainly in the lower atmosphere with altitudes below 20km , where the vertical components are 4-orders of magnitude larger than the horizontal components .

  11. 本文根据热带西太平洋调查资料,用APE方程的近似形式计算了热带低层大气的有效位能,分析了调查海域内赤道、165°E两条断面低层大气有效位能的分布特征。

    Based on the data observed from the Tropical Western Pacific , this paper computes the available potential energy ( APE ) of the lower atmosphere layer in the tropics and analyses its distribution characteristics at two sections ( the equatorial and 165 ° E ) in the investigation region .

  12. 低层大气湍流度的参数化估算

    Estimation on turbulence level in the lower atmosphere by parameterization technique

  13. 一种预测低层大气折射率剖面的实用方法

    A Practical Method for Forecasting the Lower Atmospheric Refractivity Profile

  14. 低层大气中可听声超额衰减的测量

    The measured excess attenuation of audible sound in lower atmosphere

  15. 对低层大气后向散射特性的测量与分析

    Measurement and Analysis for Backscatter Characteristics of Low Layer Atmosphere

  16. 低层大气折射对俯视雷达入射角的影响

    The Effect of Lower Atmospheric Refraction on Incident Angle of Down-Looking Radar

  17. 气溶胶吸收光学特性对低层大气短波加热率的影响

    The effects of aerosol optical absorption characteristics on lower atmospheric heating rates

  18. 中国中部低层大气行星波无线电探空仪的观测研究

    Radiosonde Observation of Planetary Waves in the Lower Atmosphere Over the Center China

  19. 低层大气误差对距离变化率折射误差的影响

    The Influence on Range Rate Refraction Error by Lower Atmospheric Refraction Index Error

  20. 沙尘暴对低层大气红外辐射的吸收和衰减

    The absorption and extinction of infrared radiation in lower atmosphere by sand storm

  21. 在低层大气,太湖湖面存在一个明显的气流辐散。

    There is a clear divergence over Taihu lake in the lower atmosphere .

  22. 低层大气光学厚度的一些特征

    Some characteristics of optical depth in the lower atmosphere

  23. 低层大气折射对下视雷达临界俯角的影响

    The influence of critical angle on down looking radar by lower atmospheric refraction

  24. 臭氧层损耗影响低层大气质量的新认识

    New Idea about Impacts of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion on Lower Layer Air Quality

  25. 城市低层大气臭氧生成的模拟研究

    Simulation of the forming of ozone in the low layer air of urban area

  26. 低层大气烃类检测预测南黄海盆地油气远景

    Hydrocarbon test in lower-layer atmosphere to predict hydrocarbon potential of South Yellow Sea Basin

  27. 合肥市郊低层大气的激光雷达探测研究

    Lidar Observations of the Lower Atmosphere in Hefei

  28. 北京地区低层大气流动模态研究

    Flow Patterns of Lower Atmosphere over Beijing Area

  29. 城市交通废气与低层大气臭氧形成和分布的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation on the form and distribution of ozone by urban traffic exhaust emission

  30. 低层大气中氧气吸收的研究

    Study of Oxygen Absorption in Lower Atmosphere