
  • 网络associated mineral
  1. 阿尔泰山砂金及其伴生矿物特征的初步研究

    The preliminary study on the features of the placer - gold and associated mineral in Aitai mountains

  2. 千枚岩采自陕西省西乡地区,经偏光显微镜和X射线衍射分析,绢云母含量为29.9%,伴生矿物有石英、长石和绿泥石。

    The Phyllite is picked form Xixiang region in Shanxi province . We find out the sericite content is 29.9 % by microscope and XRD , there are some other minerals in the rock , such as quartz 、 feldspar and chlorite .

  3. 在不同介质pH条件下,蓝晶石与伴生矿物在浮选行为上存在较大差异,构成了蓝晶石浮选的基础.蓝晶石的浮选要根据脉石的不同选用不同的方案。

    Under different pH values of the medium , remarkable difference exists between cyanite and its associated minerals in their notation behaviour , which forms the basis of cyanite flotation . The scheme should be selected according to the variation of the gangue minerals for the flotation of cyanite .

  4. 硅灰石及伴生矿物的显微结构分析

    Micro structure analysis of wollastonite and its associated minerals

  5. 主要伴生矿物为磁铁矿、钛铁矿,少量黄铁矿和微量黄铜矿。

    Associated minerals are mainly magnetite and ilmenite , subordinately pyrite and rarely chalcopyrite .

  6. 伴生矿物是砂金成因和富集规律的重要指示标志。

    The associated minerals are the important indicator of the genesis and enrichment of placer gold .

  7. γ&射线辐照对细粒锡石及其伴生矿物絮凝影响的研究

    Research of the Influence of γ - Ray Irradiation on the Selective Flocculation of Fine Cassiterite

  8. 伴生矿物的种类和含量差异为探寻青金石的产地来源提供了有益的信息。

    The categories and quantities of accompanying minerals provide beneficial information for exploring the provenance of tapis lazuli .

  9. 工艺流程比较简单,一般经过一次洗矿、两段破碎、一段跳汰分选产出重晶石精矿,对于其中伴生矿物(如萤石)未进行回收利用。

    The process flows are very simple . Barite concentrate is usually output after single-stage washing , two-stage crushing and single-stage jigging separation , without recycling associated minerals ( such as fluorite ) .

  10. 矿体分布在断裂(带)和背斜核部。共伴生矿物为石英、黄铁矿、毒砂、闪锌矿、方铅矿、黝铜矿,黄铜矿,辉锑矿、绿泥石等。

    Ore bodies range in the fracture zone and anticline core , with accompanying minerals like as quartz , pyrite , arsenopyrite , sphalerite , galena , tetrahedrite , chalcopyrite , antimonite and chlorite .

  11. 本研究中的合浦某高岭土伴生矿物赋存状态比较复杂,分选难度较大,因此需要进行系统的矿物特性和选矿试验研究。

    In this research , the occurrence of the associated minerals in kaolinite is complicated and it is difficult to separate , so it is necessary to do some research systematically on the mineral properties and refining .

  12. 伴生放射性矿物资源开发利用中放射性污染现状与对策研究

    The Status of Radioactive Pollution due to Associated Minerals and Countermeasures Study

  13. 目的探讨并确立伴生放射性矿物辐射卫生审管限值。

    Objective To study and establish the regulatory Limits of radiological protection for minerals associated with radionuclides .

  14. 方法依据国际、国内有关文献提供的资料,结合我国实际,探讨我国伴生放射性矿物辐射卫生审管限值。

    Methods To deduce the limits according to the international and domestic references in combination with china 's practices .

  15. 结果表明:该矿石中主要可回收的金属矿物为辉钼矿,可综合回收的伴生金属矿物为辉铋矿和白钨矿;

    The results show that molybdenite is the main recoverable metal mineral and bismuthinite and scheelite are the associated metal minerals recoverable .

  16. 锡石硫化矿类型多,伴生有用矿物种类多,综合利用价值高,有着较高的经济价值和学术研究价值。

    There are many types of tin sulphuric ore accompanied with many valuable minerals , thus it has high utilized , economic and academic research value .

  17. 斑岩铜矿中含有大量的伴生有用矿物,多数可综合回收利用,尤其是伴生金银的回收,越来越被人们所重视。

    Generally sPeaking , the PorPhyry coPPer contains a great quantity of valued associated minerals , of which most can be recovered comprehensively , especially associated gold and silver .

  18. 本文研究了铅盐、水玻璃、腐植酸钠对黑钨矿及其主要伴生脉石矿物&石英、电气石,方解石的表面电性质及可浮性。

    In the paper , the effect of lead nitrate , sodium humate and sodium silli - cate on surface electrical properties and floatability for wolframite and main - ly associated gangues-quartz , elbaite and calcite was studied .

  19. 通过对某地榴辉岩中伴生的有用矿物的纯矿物物质组成的研究,发现Na可作为其中绿辉石的特征性成分,且Na2O含量与其纯度呈正相关。

    It is discovered that sodium can be used as a characteristic component of omphacite in the eclogite and Na 2O content is in proportion to the purity of omphacite .

  20. 试析淮北矿区共伴生硬质高岭土矿矿物特征

    Analysis of the Mineral Feature of Associated Hard Kaolin of Huaibei Mine area

  21. 与U密切伴生的元素有Fe、Se、Pb、Si、Ti、Cr、S等,与铀矿物伴生的矿物组合有黄铁矿、方铅矿、钛铀矿以及与其关系密切的硒矿化;

    The elements associated intimately with uranium are Fe , Se , Pb , Si , Ti , Cr and S and the mineral assemblage of uranium includes pyrite , galena , brannerite and its closely related selenium mineralization .