
  • 网络HMS Consort
  1. “这是我们这一代的‘伴侣号’时刻。”奥巴马表示。

    " This is our generation 's Sputnik moment ," he said .

  2. 现在是我们这代人的“伴侣号”时刻了。

    This is our generation 's Sputnik moment .

  3. 如果你是单身,5号是个好日子&去找有意向发展长期关系的新伴侣;16号,你也许会和新伴侣产生强烈的化学反应哦;

    If you are single , you will find May5 a good day to meet a new love interest with long term potential , and on May16 , you may find sizzling chemistry with someone new .