
  • 网络traditional method
  1. 将100位腰椎间盘突出症急性期患者随机分为2组,各50例,分别进行二步背抖法和传统手法的治疗,观察2周后和0.5a随访疗效。

    100 patients with acute lumbar disc herniation were randomly divided into two groups , one group were given two-stage back shaking manipulation , another with traditional manipulation . The curative effects of two groups were compared after two weeks and half a year .

  2. 肩关节周围炎患者对关节松动手法与传统手法治疗的接受率比较

    Comparison of joint mobilization and traditional manipulation for treating scapulohumeral periarthritis

  3. 传统手法和现代手法相揉合的结构形态。

    And 3 . traditional skill / modern skill combined structural system .

  4. 现代景观设计中传统手法的误区与发展趋势

    Erroneous Zones of Traditional Techniques and Development Tendency in Modern Landscape Design

  5. 他们已能熟练运用绘画的某些传统手法。

    They acquired the skilful use of certain pictorial conventions .

  6. 小说家詹姆斯乔伊斯突破了文学创作上的许多传统手法。

    The novelist James Joyce broke with many of the conventions of literature .

  7. 专家门诊,传统手法推拿、按摩,舒展经络。

    Our specialist offers traditional Chinese massage to relax your channels and collaterals .

  8. 结论:传统手法解除肌肉痉挛;

    Conclusion : Traditional manipulation may release muscular spasticity .

  9. 看来,这正如他自己说的,“还是传统手法适合自己。”

    As his own saying ," the traditional skills suit me better . "

  10. 但是其疗效的是否优于传统手法还需要进一步观察。

    But its curative effect is better than the traditional gimmick still need further observation .

  11. 结果:中医传统手法加小夹板固定组优良率815%,无骨不愈合发生;

    Result : The superior rate of traditional treationg method with splintage group was81.5 % .

  12. 改良手法与传统手法比较有四大优点:①取点更准确;

    There were four advantages in comparison between the traditional manipulations and modified manipulations : 1 .

  13. 在沃波尔及其他作家的明显影响下,坡吸收了哥特式小说的传统手法。

    Under the obvious influence of Walpole and other writers , Poe assimilates the conventions of Gothic horror .

  14. 用传统手法精制的松饼,香甜酥脆,欢迎品尝。

    The sponge cakes made in the traditional way are fragrant , sweet and crisp . Please have a taste .

  15. 园林工作者可以运用我国造园的传统手法,提高雕塑作品的艺术感染力。

    The botanical garden worker may utilize our country landscape gardening the traditional technique , enhances the sculpture work the artistic power .

  16. 方法:实验组采用“三穴五法”治疗。对照组采用传统手法治疗。

    METHODS : " Three points and five methods " therapy was adopted in experimental group and the traditional manipulation was for the control .

  17. 采用激进的反传统手法,在变法图强的旗帜下推进中国新知识阶层的群体政治意识和权利意识的觉醒。

    What 's more , this movement adopted a radical anti-traditional method to awaken the political consciousness and the sense of rights in the new intelligentsia .

  18. 我能实际上使用传统手法,我会用手臂抱住躯干;等一下,等一下。

    I can actually go with the traditional move , which all I do is wrap around here to the torso ; hold on , hold on .

  19. 传统手法治疗:采用李业甫主编的《中国推拿治疗学》中提供的治疗方法,包括治则、方法、取穴、治疗部位和操作。

    Traditional massage therapy : The treatments were adopted and provided by Chinese Tuina Therapeutics edited by Li Ye-fu , including treatment principles , method , acupoint choice , locus and operation .

  20. 实际上“民间艺术”一词的贴切用法是:用于指涉那些未经训练的“非学究式的”运用传统手法完成传统主题的民间写实艺术家,主要是画家。

    The most consistent use of the term " folk art " is for untrained " non-academic " representational artists , primarily painters , who worked with traditional subjects in traditional styles .

  21. 方法选择接受静脉输液的患者275例,按病床号分为采用改进的穿刺手法进行操作组140例,采用传统手法进行操作组135例,对比其在接受静脉穿刺时的疼痛感受。

    Methods 275 patients with venous infusion were randomly divide into the experimental group ( 140 cases ) and the control group ( 135 cases ) . The sensation of pains was compared at venous puncture .

  22. 耳压及推按运经仪预防胆囊结石复发的疗效分析专家门诊,传统手法推拿、按摩,舒展经络。

    Analysis on Curative Effects of Recurrence Rate of Gallbladder Stones after Mini-invasion Endoscopic Stone Extraction Technique With Gallbladder Remaining by Means of Auricular and Meridian-pressing Our specialist offers traditional Chinese massage to relax your channels and collaterals .

  23. 在运用了哥特式小说的传统手法的同时,也巧妙地使用哥特式小说制造恐怖的技巧,这使他的恐怖小说有鲜明的创新之处。

    In his horror fictions , he employs the traditional writing style of the Gothic fictions and inherits the traditional techniques of Gothic fictions to create horror , but he also makes some innovations in the horror fictions .

  24. 新世纪之初的杂文创作呈现三种流向:一种是以老一辈杂文作家为主体的,兼有一些著名作家、报刊编辑组成的,用传统手法写作的传统严肃杂文;

    In the early new century , there have appeared three styles in essay writing : one is the formal_and_traditional essay , written in a traditional way , mostly by doyen essayists , sometimes by famous writers and press editors ;

  25. 方法:采用传统手法加头面部诸多穴位及颈椎旋转手法183例,与传统手法及枕颌颈椎牵引120例比较,观察临床疗效。

    Method : Traditional manipulation , acupuncture point stimulation and cervical rotation were used in treating 183 cases of cervical spondylopathy patients . These results were compared with those of 120 cervical spondylopathy patients treated with traditional manipulation and cervical traction .

  26. 结论:肌腱粘连的机理是血瘀气滞,风寒湿夹杂为病,外科熏洗方有很强的活血祛瘀,祛风湿散寒,舒筋活络的作用,中药熏洗配合传统手法治疗更能有效治疗肌腱粘连。

    The fumigation of Chinese medicine has the strong effects of activating blood and dissipating blood stasis , dispelling wind-dampness and dispersing cold , relaxing tendons and activating collaterals , the treatment of fumigation combined with massage can effectively treat tendon adhesion .

  27. 对36例伸直尺偏型低位肱骨髁上骨折的创伤机制和固定与生物力学关系进行初步探讨,并运用传统手法加中药治疗,促使肘关节功能恢复良好,无肘内翻32例,占88.9%。

    A preliminary exploration of relationship among mechanism of injury , fixation and biomechanics was done on 36 cases of extensive ulnar deviation type of low site supracondylar fracture of humerus . They were treated with tradition manipulation plus Chinese herb therapy to maintain better recovery of elbow function .

  28. 目的探讨传统中医手法按摩对失眠症的治疗作用。

    Objective To investigate the effects of traditional Chinese massotherapy for insomnia .

  29. 一种新的、脱离传统艺术手法的表现形式。

    A style that breaks with traditional art forms and searches for new modes of expression .

  30. 艾米莉·勃朗特是在传统象征手法的层面上运用象征,象征意义是单一、明确和清晰的;

    Emily uses traditional symbolic device . The symbolic meaning is single , definite , and clear-cut .