
  1. 视频会议公司OwlLabs对1202名22岁至65岁的美国全职工作者进行了调查,发现62%的受访者至少在某些时候会远程工作,而38%的受访者只在办公室内工作。

    Video conferencing company Owl1 Labs surveyed 1202 full-time2 US workers from the ages of 22 to 65 , and discovered that 62 percent of respondents worked remotely at least some of the time and 38 percent worked onsite .

  2. 网络会议公司PGi的收购与整合总监凯瑟琳•汤普森也是如此。

    The same is true of Kathleen Thompson , 31 , director of acquisition and integration for PGI , a web conferencing company .

  3. 比如:在线会议公司TeamViewer和哈里斯互动公司(HarrisInteractive)对1094名全职员工进行的调查显示,2012年,在职美国人有52%预计会在度假期间工作。

    Consider : in 2012 , 52 % of employed Americans expected to work during their vacations , according to a survey of 1,094 full-time workers by online-meeting firm TeamViewer and Harris Interactive .

  4. 比如,视频会议公司Polycom的客户现已能够重放他们的会议录像。

    For example , clients of Polycom , a video conferencing company , can already replay their recorded meetings .

  5. 她本身既是美国密尔沃基市的一名职业导师,教授大学课程,同时还创办和经营着一家技术支持公司,以及一家全国性的会议公司。

    A Milwaukee-based career coach who also teaches college courses , she founded and runs both a tech support company and a national seminar firm .

  6. 恩基团队建设,会议及公司活动。

    Team Building , Meetings and Events in Asia .

  7. 通过协调会议引导公司广泛应用的机器人操作技术。

    Lead company wide robotics activities through co-ordination meetings .

  8. 我明白这次会议对公司的发展至关重要。

    I know this meeting is vital to the development of our company .

  9. 通过会议或公司的一个新提要(ATOM/RSS)发布内容

    Publishing content through a new feed ( ATOM / RSS ) for the conference or company

  10. 然后,董事召开会议指定公司的高层职员和经理。

    The directors in turn hold a meeting at which the top corporate officers and managers are appointed .

  11. 不是经过德律风会议,公司的代表会来本人公司,与本人们停止面谈!

    It should be your company representatives coming to our company and negotiating with us face-to-face , but not telephone conference .

  12. 可为您量身定做各类培训会议、公司会议、年总结会、董事会等等。

    We can tailor all kinds of training session , company meeting , annual summing up , board of directors , and so on .

  13. 但除了每季度的财报会议和公司的重要活动外,他总体上对销售额和其他财务数据闭口不谈。

    Aside from during quarterly earnings calls and major company events , though , he has generally been tight-lipped about sales and other financial figures .

  14. 女性不愿意放弃这样的乐趣去换取高层管理职位,她们担心身处高层要面对大量劳神费力的会议和公司政治。

    Women don 't want to trade that joy for what they fear will be energy-draining meetings and corporate politics ' at higher levels of management 。

  15. 他们很少会参加技术会议,公司成立派对上也看不到他们的身影,迅速被收购也不是他们的主要目标。

    They rarely go to tech conferences , can 't be found at launch parties , and they certainly don 't have a quick acquisition as their primary goal .

  16. 外商投资会议展览公司在中国境内的正当经营活动和合法权益受中国法律的保护。

    The lawful business activities of the convention & exhibition companies within the territory of China and their legal rights and interests are subject to the protection of Chinese Laws .

  17. 我们还发现在具有董事会非正常活动频率较高的年度及其以后年度,企业的经营绩效会得到微弱的改进,这在一定程度上表明了董事会会议对于公司治理的涵义。

    We also find that the corporate performance will be slightly improved after the increased activities of the board of directors , which is to some extent accordance with board meeting related to the meaning of corporate governance .

  18. 这个消息并不令人意外,因为上周早些时候宝洁已经宣布,雷福礼不会再参加季度业绩电话会议,公司希望能摆脱季度收益是否达到预期这样周而复始的比较。

    That was no surprise , as P & G had announced , earlier in the week , that Lafley would no longer be participating in quarterly earnings calls as the company tries to get off the hamster wheel of meeting or missing quarterly expectations .

  19. 卡尔霍恩是亚特兰大专门组织各类会议的传播公司Write2Market的CEO。

    Calhoun is CEO of Write2Market , an Atlanta-based communications firm that organizes conferences .

  20. 日前,在微软(Microsoft)的季度收益电话会议上,公司首席执行官萨蒂亚o纳德拉讲话中9次提到了“一”这个字。

    On Microsoft 's quarterly earnings conference call yesterday , the company 's chief executive , Satya Nadella , said the word " one " nine times in his prepared remarks . " Cloud " ?

  21. 公司的重要领导主持会议,讨论公司的收入报告。

    The company 's big gun quarterbacked the meeting about the revenue report .

  22. 我们今天的会议和我们公司现在碰到的一些问题有关。

    Our meeting today have something to do with some problems facing our company .

  23. 资源邮箱是代表会议室和公司设备的邮箱。

    A resource mailbox is a mailbox that represents conference rooms and company equipment .

  24. 安排商务旅行、公司车辆、时间表和会议;与公司外部人员接触;

    Arrange business trip , company car , schedules and meetings ; Contact with outsiders ;

  25. 会议中没有公司市场营销使命陈述,没有市场潮流调研,也没有时尚预测。

    There are no corporate marketing mission statements , trend-marketing surveys or fashion forecasts anywhere near it .

  26. 这次会议从该公司的第一位非美国籍的领导人那里得到了其许诺的公司首席执行官的讲演。

    The convention got its promised chief executive 's address , from the firm 's first non-American leader .

  27. 北京柠檬会议服务有限公司为公司、企业及社会团体提供会议服务。

    Beijing Lemon Conferences Catering Co. , Ltd provides meeting service for companies , enterprises and public organization .

  28. 一个月前,我们总经理召开了一个会议,宣布公司在下周一就要关门了。

    Our GM called a meeting about a month ago to say the following Monday was the last workday .

  29. 舍得花300000美元安装视频会议系统的公司毕竟数量有限。

    After all , there are only so many companies able to shell out $ 300,000 for a videoconferencing system .

  30. 最近几周,董事会每周都要召开多次电话会议,讨论公司解决流动性危机的对策。

    In recent weeks it has added several more weekly teleconferences to discuss how GM should approach the liquidity option .