
  • 网络accounting market
  1. WTO与中国会计市场的发展取向

    WTO and the Development Orientation of China 's Accounting Market

  2. WTO与中国会计市场

    WTO and Chinese Accounting Market

  3. 论述了加入WTO对我国会计市场的影响,面对国际市场的竞争,会计师及会计师事务所的应对政策、措施。

    After China enter into WTO , facing competition of international market , the treatment of Chinese accounting and accounting agency is introduced .

  4. 中国加入WTO的根本义务就在于开放国内市场,同国际市场接轨,这其中也包括会计市场的开放以及与国际会计市场的接轨。

    The basic obligation of the China entrance to WTO lies in opening the domestic market , and linking rails to the international markets .

  5. 中国加入WTO,面向世界开放我国会计市场,使我国注册会计师行业面临前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    China entering WTO , the accountancy market opens to the world and this makes CPA ( Certified Public Accountant ) vocation of our country facing the unprecedented opportunity and challenge .

  6. 我国加入WTO以后,国外同行业全面冲击我国会计市场,我国注册会计师行业面临历史性的挑战,同时也将迎来新的发展机遇。

    After joining WTO , the trade of foreign certified accountants impacts China 's accounting market . China 's certified accountants are in the face of historic challenges , meanwhile , they are meeting the new opportunities .

  7. 本文从入世前我国会计市场开放情况、WTO相关规则及我国承诺、进一步开放会受到的冲击以及相应对策四个方面加以阐述。

    The article discusses four questions : the status quo of opening in accounting market of our country , the related regulations of WTO to accounting profession , the impact on domestic accounting firms with more opening , the countermeasures .

  8. 分析了加入WTO对我国会计市场的挑战;指出了会计师事务所的规模化、国际化、业务多样化将是我们适应WTO的选择。

    It introduces the present conditions and existing problems of Chinese accounting market , and analyzes the challenge to Chinese accounting market , then points out that the scalization , internationalization and diversification of transactions of CPA firm are the choices to adapt us to WTO .

  9. 指出湖南CPA行业要区分不同的战略集团,根据自身实力针对会计市场采取不同的竞争战略,提升服务质量,同时需要行业协会规范行业内部管理,配合政府部门监管,取得行业的发展。

    It is important to choose proper strategy and improve the quality of services on different accounting market , meanwhile , need normalize internal management of industry by industry association , coordinate the regulation of government department .

  10. 上市公司信息虚假与会计市场的恶性竞争

    Unreal Information of Listed Corporation and Unfair Competition in Accounting Market

  11. 开放会计市场急需解决的几个问题

    Questions to be Solved in Process of Opening up Accounting Market

  12. 第二章,主要讨论了会计市场上的管理体制。

    In chapter two , I discuss management system of Accounting Market .

  13. 文章认为我国会计市场面临着入世后的诸多挑战。

    After entry to WTO , Chinese accounting market faced great challenge .

  14. 第四章分析会计市场供给与需求。

    The last one examines the supply and demands of the market .

  15. “会计市场”,这个名词想必已经为很多人所熟悉。

    Maybe many people know about the word Accounting Market .

  16. 构建会计市场与优化会计信息

    Construction of Accounting Market and Optimization of Accounting Information

  17. 论不正当竞争与会计市场秩序化

    How Stop the Unfair Competition and Make a Clean and Orderly Accounting Market

  18. 西部各种资源的合理配置和流动,需要会计市场的支持,构建会计市场的理想模式,能够实现会计人才合理配置,会计信息高效利用;

    Accounting market is the basis for reasonable allocation and flow of resources .

  19. 论会计市场的社会系统方位

    Discussing at social system position of accounting market

  20. 会计市场运行机制研究

    Research on the Operational Mechanism of Accountant Market

  21. 会计市场的博弈论分析

    A Game Analysis of the Accounting Market

  22. 会计市场研究

    The Research on the Accounting Market

  23. 加快培育会计市场促进会计师事务所事业的发展

    To Quicken the step of Bringing up Accounting Market to Promote the Development of Accounting Business Office

  24. 笔者分析了目前我国会计市场上存在的不公平竞争行为,并提出了一系列措施以维护公正的竞争秩序。

    Through the analysis of unjust competition , I point out that measures must be taken to cope with it .

  25. 继续鼓励基于公平竞争之上的合并和重组,促进会计市场结构合理化;

    On the basis of fair competition , going on enterprise merging and promoting the rationalization of the accounting market ;

  26. 第二章深入探讨会计市场性质:第三章分析会计市场交易的相关问题;

    The second one deeply explores its nature ; the third one analyses the relevant problems of the transactions in the market ;

  27. 第十,借助专家和舆论监督的力量,促进完善、健康、高效的会计市场的形成。

    Tenth , with the help of experts and public opinion , promoting the accounting market to be sound , healthy and efficient .

  28. 如何更有效地对事务所进行治理,把事关事务所长远发展的诸多因素综合起来进行考虑并建立起一个有效的内部治理机制,是会计市场国际化趋势日益明显的今天应该首要考虑的问题。

    With audit market internationalization , how to govern the CPA firms efficiently and establishing an efficient interior governance mechanism are an important issue .

  29. 论文最后一部分从会计市场、服务领域等多方面论述了中国会计师事务所对抗国际会计公司的对策,以供参考。

    The Last part of this paper interprets measures of Chinese accountant firms against international accounting firms in several aspects from accounting market to service scopes .

  30. 会计市场在不断的国际化开放中,内资事务所与外资事务所将以证券市场审计服务为竞争的中心。

    Accounting market is constantly opening up the international , domestic securities firms and foreign firms will be the center of audit services for the competition .