
  • 网络yusuf;Mohammed Yusuf;ramzi yousef
  1. 新的报道称该100人的军队逃往优素福在索马里北部的堡垒。

    News reports say the 100-strong militia flew to Yusuf 's stronghold in northern Somalia .

  2. 优素福的安全势力成员周一在总统辞职之前几小时迅速逃离摩加迪沙。

    Members of President Yusuf 's security force abruptly fled Mogadishu Monday , hours before he resigned .

  3. 优素福表示,在TeachFirst的两年让她有机会在不用花钱攻读传统资格证书的情况下尝试教学工作。

    She says the two-year program ­ me gave her a chance to taste teaching without the cost of studying for a traditional qualification .

  4. 23岁的古纳尔•优素福(GunalYoussouf)是TeachFirst人,她加入了普华永道(PwC)英国分公司的管理咨询毕业生项目。

    Gunal Youssouf , 23 , is a Teach Firster who has joined the UK arm of PwC 's management consultancy graduate scheme .

  5. 安德森另外一名MBA学生乔安娜•优素福(JovannaYoussef)在苹果的产品管理团队实习后,从德勤跳槽到了这家位于库比蒂诺(Cupertino)的电脑公司。

    Jovanna Youssef , another Anderson MBA student , is moving from Deloitte to Apple after working in the Cupertino-based computer company 's product management team during an internship .

  6. 像大多数斯瓦特人一样,我们来自优素福扎伊族。

    Like most people in Swat we are from the Yousafzai tribe .

  7. 优素福扎伊族将部落里的土地分配给男性成员。

    The Yousafzai divided up all the land among the male members of the tribe .

  8. 犹太定居者残忍地吊死了优素福。

    The settlers brutally hanged Yousef .

  9. 他已经暗示他想要一个强有力的议会基础,所以优素福是最明显的选择。

    He has indicated he wants a strong parliamentary base and so Mr Kalla is the most obvious choice .

  10. 优素福说,出于公正的原则,国际红十字会和国际社会有意帮助非洲人民应对气候变化。

    The Red Cross and international community are interested in helping Africans cope with climate change out of fairness , Challouche says .

  11. 当时,在斯瓦特的优素福扎伊族人并没有领导者。部落首领之间,甚至家族内部时常发生斗争。

    As the Yousafzai in Swat had no ruler , there were constant feuds between the khans and even within their own families .

  12. 优素福强调说,由气象学家提供的数据将允许国际红十字会根据概率,而不是可能性,计划他们的活动。

    Challouche emphasized data provided by the meteorologists will allow the Red Cross to plan their activities based on probabilities , rather than possibilities .

  13. 州政府官员称,该组织领袖优素福可能逃脱了军队的攻击,与数百名支持者潜逃。

    State officials say the leader of the militants , Mohammed Yusuf , may have escaped the military onslaught and fled with hundreds of his supporters .

  14. 埃塞俄比亚撤回两年前派驻索马里的军队几天之间,优素福宣布辞职,以表示对联合国主张的过度政府的支持。

    President Yusuf 's resignation comes days before Ethiopia withdraws the troops it sent to Somalia two years ago to prop up his United Nations-backed transitional government .

  15. 到了20世纪初,优素福扎伊族人开始担心自己的土地也会被已占领了周围大多数土地的英军所侵占。

    In the early part of the last century they became worried about being taken over by the British , who by then controlled most of the surrounding lands .

  16. 优素福扎伊族人源自坎大哈,是普什图部落中最大的一支,分布在巴基斯坦和阿富汗各处。

    We Yousafzai ( which some people spell Yusufzai or Yousufzai ) are originally from Kandahar and are one of the biggest Pashtun tribes , spread across Pakistan and Afghanistan .

  17. 但君王听信谗言,认为优素福扎伊族日渐庞大,终会篡夺他的王位。

    The emperor rewarded them with important positions in the court and army , but his friends and relatives warned him that the Yousafzai were becoming so powerful they would overthrow him .

  18. 优素福说,参与者通过社会媒体保持联系,她在2004年参加智利圣地亚哥会议一周期间结识的朋友现在遍及太平洋周边国家。

    Youssef said that participants keep in touch through social media and that she still has close friends scattered around the Pacific Rim from her week as a delegate in Santiago , Chile , in2004 .

  19. 先知叶尔孤布(愿他平安)没有以击打自己的胸膛,扇自己的耳光,甚至流血等方式把失去优素福的日子作为一个纪念日或者悲痛日。

    Prophet Ya'qub ( peace be upon him ) did not strike his chest or scratch his face , or shed blood or mark the day of the loss of Yusuf as a festival or a day of mourning .

  20. 男人们全都拥有来复枪。虽然现在优素福扎伊族人不再像普什图其他地方的人那样,带着枪走来走去,我的祖父却常常跟我们讲起他小时候发生的枪战故事。

    Our men all have rifles , though these days they don 't walk around with them like they do in other Pashtun areas , and my great-grandfather used to tell stories of gun battles when he was a boy .