
yōu shì dù zhǐ shù
  • dominance index
  1. 水体水境7个指标的景观多样性指数(H)、优势度指数(D)和破碎度(C)存在着显著差异,H值以Chla最大(0.58),DO最小(0.04);

    The seascape diversity ( H ), dominance index ( D ) and fragmentation index ( C ) of 7 indices in water body differed significantly . H of Chl a is the highest with 0.58 and that of DO the lowest with 0.04 ;

  2. 土壤种子库物种多样性的变化表现为,随着演替的进行,优势度指数逐渐减小,而丰富度指数、均匀性指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数逐渐增大,恢复到32年时达到最大。

    Along with the restoration stages , the dominance index decreased while the species richness index , evenness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index increased gradually and come to the highest value in the plots after 32-year restoration .

  3. 施N肥使落叶松林地土壤动物优势度指数降低,而水曲柳林地增加。

    N addition also decreased the dominant index in larch plantation , but increased in ash plantation .

  4. 发育后期,随着多样性指数、丰富度指数、优势度指数的增加,全N呈逐渐增加趋势,随着均匀度的增加,全N变化不明显;

    In middle development period , with the increase of variety indices , evenness indices , dominance indices , the total Nitrogen presents the variation tendency of V type .

  5. 10a间,景观多样性指数和相对丰富度指数降低,优势度指数有所增加。

    Landscape diversity indices and relative richness decreased , but dominance indices increased .

  6. 应用GIS技术研究农业景观格局变化结果表明,福建省漳浦县马坪镇整体景观多样性指数降低,优势度指数和均匀度指数增加。

    The change of agriculture landscape pattern was studied with GIS technology . The result shows that the index of diversity is declined in Maping Town , Zhangpu County , but the indexes of dominance and evenness are raised .

  7. 在GIS支持下研究了宜昌地区土壤侵蚀强度景观的面积对比、多样性指数、优势度指数和多度等参数。

    The essential elements of the spatial structure of landscape are patch , corridor , matrix by GIS , we study on landscape of soil erosion about following parameter : ratio of area , diversity index , dominance index and multiplicity .

  8. 经测定各生境的多样性指数H′,优势度指数C′,均匀性指数E′和相似性系数,结果表明植被类型、土壤有机质含量是影响土壤动物群落结构的主要生态因子。

    The results showed it was these main ecological factors including the vegetation types and organic contents that had effect on structure of the soil animal community after analyzing the indexes of diversity ( H )′, dominance ( C )′, evenness ( E )′ and comparability coefficient of different habitats .

  9. 多样性指数(H′)最大值和最小值因群落、月份不同而不同,其相对大小为D>C>A>B,Pielou指数(Js)和辛普森优势度指数(C)总体水平变化与多样性指数相同。

    The maximum and minimum of diversity index ( H ′) varies with different community and month , and its relative value was D > C > A > B , either did Pielou index ( Js ) and Simpson index as a whole .

  10. 转基因水稻田与常规水稻田中土壤动物群落的密度、类群丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Simpson优势度指数和密度&类群指数之间均没有显著差异(P>0.05)。

    There was no significant differences in community density , group richness , Shannon-Wiener index of species diversity , Pielou index of evenness , Simpson index of dominance and density-group index between Bt transgenic rice and non-Bt transgenic rice ( P0.05 ) .

  11. 依据Berger-Parker(1974)优势度指数(d),分析得出了不同时期棉田蜘蛛的优势种类,并对其季节变动趋势进行了研究。

    The spider species in different period in cotton field was obtained using Berger Parker dominance index ( d ) .

  12. 运用景观生态学方法,选取了斑块面积、斑块形状指数、Shannon-Weaver多样性指数、斑块优势度指数、斑块破碎度指数五个景观格局指数用于海岸带生态的景观格局评价。

    With the landscape ecological methodologies , this thesis selected five ( 5 ) landscape pattern indexes , patch area , patch shape index , Shannon-Weaver diversity index , dominance index and fragmentation index , for the assessment of landscape pattern in coastal zone ecosystem .

  13. 应用Berger-Parker(1974)优势度指数(d)分析得出了不同时期果园蜘蛛群落的优势类群及优势种,并对优势种蜘蛛的田间种群密度和动态进行了初步分析;

    Berger-parker ( 1974 ) index of dominant degree ( d ) showed that dominant species and dominate species of spider community in orchard in different time . Whereas , density and trends in fields of dominant species of spider were primary analysed .

  14. 本研究采用优势度指数和均匀度指数进行分析。

    In the study , the dominance index and evenness index are used for analysis .

  15. 人为因素使群落的多样性指数和均匀性指数增高,优势度指数降低。

    The artificial factor makes the diversity-index and the even-index increase , and the dominance-index is lower .

  16. 大型土壤动物群落的α多样性中的多样性指数、均匀度指数、丰富度指数和优势度指数均高于中小型土壤动物群落。

    The diversity , evenness , richness and dominance indexes of macrofaunas were higher than those of mesofaunas .

  17. 优势度指数常常与多样性指数、多样化指数、均匀度指数的变化规律相反。

    The dominance index is often contrary to the diversity index , index of diversification and evenness index in change rules .

  18. 农户住房鼠类群落均匀性指数最高,为0.721,而优势度指数最低,为0.407。

    Evenness index of community D is the highest ( 0.721 ), but its dominance index is the lowest ( 0.407 ) .

  19. 丰富度指数的变化趋势与多样性指数一致,而优势度指数却恰好与二者的顺序相反。

    Variational trend of Margalef index was the same as Shannon-Wiener index , but the variational trend of Simpson index was opposite .

  20. 中性昆虫群落中,以膜翅目蚁科种类及数量最多,其群落数量为2203头,优势度指数为0.2832;

    Among the moderate insect community , the ants of the hymenoptera is more than any other insects as for the species and quantity .

  21. 除优势度指数以外,其他指数在不同恢复系列间差异显著,而在2种次生林类型间差异均不显著;

    There was significant difference among restoration series on α diversity except dominance index , but not significant difference between two secondary forest types .

  22. 山地丘陵区及沿海地区土地资源多样性指数和破碎度指数高,而相应的优势度指数则较低;

    There are a higher diversity and fragmentation index value and a lower dominance index value of land resources in Mountainous regions and seaside regions ;

  23. 黄渤海区淡水虾虎鱼类优势度指数(0.38)明显高于海洋虾虎鱼类(0.07)。

    Yellow sea and Bohai Sea area of fresh water fish dominance index ( 0.38 ) was higher than that of marine fish ( 0.07 ) .

  24. 群落的多样性指数和均匀性指数由南向北依次增加,优势度指数南高北低。

    The diversity-index and the even-index are increase from south to north , but the dominance-index in the south is high , low in the north .

  25. 选取的景观空间格局度量指标包括:斑块数量、斑块大小、斑块密度指数、丰富度指数、优势度指数、均匀度指数、多样性指数等。

    The selected indices included patch number , patch size , patch density index , richness index , dominance index , evenness index and diversity index .

  26. 河滩草丛中蚂蚁巢数、个体数以及种类优势度指数(D)最高。

    The number of nests , number of individuals and McNaughton ′ s dominant index ( D ) is the highest in grasslands of river floodplains .

  27. 景观面积、周长、优势度指数较其他景观类型大,破碎度指数较其他景观小,对景观整体结构、功能及其变化的控制作用较强。

    Their control capacity on integral landscape structure and function outweighs other landscape types due to large coverage area , perimeter , dominance index and low fragmentation index .

  28. 相对于其它各层,乔木层的多样性指数、丰富度和优势度指数均较大,均匀度较小;

    Compared with other layers , the species diversity index , species richness index and dominant index of the stratum layer are higher , but the evenness is lower .

  29. 研究区内具有相同生态配置模式的恢复治理模式具有相近的物种多样性、物种均匀度和优势度指数。

    In the study area , the recovery models which had the same ecological configuration mode , had similar species diversity index , species evenness index and dominance index .

  30. 用物种多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数,对边际带物种组成的特征进行分析;

    The characteristics of the species composition in the forest boundary were analyzed by species diversity index , species richness index , species evenness index and species dominance index .