
zhòng shēng
  • Sentient beings;all living creatures;domestic animal
众生 [zhòng shēng]
  • (1) [all living creatures]∶一切有生命的,也指人和动物

  • 芸芸众生

  • (2) [domestic animal] 〈方〉∶畜生

众生[zhòng shēng]
  1. 当一个人能够对众生产生怜悯之心,他才能算得上是崇高伟大的。

    When a man has pity on all living creatures then only is he noble .

  2. 不错,不惩戒一下他的野蛮行径,便不能平息众生的愤怒。

    Yes , it is meet and right that we discipline this man to express the indignation of all living creatures for his barbarous behavior .

  3. 阿修罗是特有的六道众生之一。

    Asura is one peculiar kind of the six destinies ( ways ) .

  4. “我们就是巴西社会众生万象的晴雨表”,该院HIV专家费南多•费瑞博士表示。

    " We are like a barometer of what is happening in the Brazilian society ," says Dr Fernando Ferry , an HIV specialist at the hospital .

  5. 瑞典皇家科学院(SwedishAcademy)在斯德哥尔摩宣布获奖消息时说,米勒以“诗歌的精炼和散文的平实,描绘出了一幅底层社会的众生相”。

    Announcing the award in Stockholm , the Swedish Academy hailed her depictions of ' the landscape of the dispossessed ' with a ' the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose . '

  6. 他讨厌那种所谓神要求众生屈从的想法。

    He hated the idea of a God who required submission .

  7. 有情众生的怙主,大千世界你无处不在。

    Glorious refuge of sentient being , everywhere in the universe .

  8. 我想你也是讲求众生平等,侦探。

    I thought you might be one as well , detective .

  9. 水的仁慈能沐浴众生,可以泽及万物;

    The compassion of water bathes and nurtures all sentient beings .

  10. 我们对自己有灵众生进化的认可。

    It is our recognition of ourselves as Spiritually Developed Beings .

  11. 弟子愿回向所有功德给所有众生。

    Disciple wishes to dedicate all merits to all sentient beings .

  12. 太美了,我是说你能颠倒众生。

    Terrific . I mean , you could be a heartbreak .

  13. 由诸众生业果劣故隐蔽不现。

    It does not appear because the mass 's bad kharma .

  14. 众生胶囊改剂型主要药效学研究

    The Main Pharmacology Study of Zhongsheng Capsule Dosage Form Changing

  15. 在高等星球的众生如何创造事物?

    How do the living beings on the superior planets create things ?

  16. 愿此加持广传并利益许多众生!

    May the blessing spread and help many sentient beings !

  17. 他们说,天主教认为众生平等。

    They say that the Catholics treat people of all status equal .

  18. 面向大地众生反映人生本色

    Face the Lives on the Earth Reflect the Inherent Quality of Life

  19. 匹克威克先生脸上闪耀着博爱众生的表情。

    Mr. Pickwick 's countenance glowed with an expression of universal philanthropy .

  20. 上帝真是太好了,他对他所创造的众生有求必应。

    God was very good and gave his creatures what they asked .

  21. 世界万物众生,是量子场的外化与显现。

    Everything on earth is the outside look and appearance .

  22. 师父,你教我们“要普渡众生”!

    Master , you taught us " The Universal Life "!

  23. 那就按众生说的去做。

    Just do what everybody 's telling you to do .

  24. 愿所有众生从痛苦中解脱出来并且早日成佛!

    May all beings be free from suffering and attain enlightenment soon !

  25. 送光给众生,送平和给众生,送爱给众生。

    Light to all , peace to all , love to all !

  26. 发愿必须发利益众生的大愿。

    Make great vows , to benefit all sentient beings .

  27. 佛教鼓励信徒敬畏众生;

    Buddhists are encouraged to demonstrate a reverence for all sentient beings ;

  28. 六道众生要经历因果轮回,从中体验痛苦。

    Six paths beings to undergo causal metempsychosis , from the experience pain .

  29. 朝圣者众生相&《坎特伯雷故事集》之总引

    Portraits of the Pilgrims & on the General prologue of The Canterbury Tales

  30. 整个世界仍在祈求奇迹出现,拯救众生。

    The whole world still prays for some miracle that might deliver us .