
  • 网络electrolux;Electrolux Design Lab;AB Electrolux
  1. 银瑞达反过来又对伊莱克斯(Electrolux)和ABB等工业企业及瑞典北欧斯安银行(SEB)施加影响力。

    Investor in turn wields influence over industrial companies such as Electrolux and ABB , and the bank SEB .

  2. 瑞典家电制造商伊莱克斯(Electrolux)全球物流主管比约恩沃恩延森(BjornVangJensen)表示,目前形势已有所改善。

    Bjorn Vang Jensen , head of global logistics at Swedish white goods manufacturer Electrolux , says the situation has improved .

  3. 伊莱克斯不会泄露任何有关大幅降价的计划。

    Electolux won 't reveal any plans to slash the price .

  4. 伊莱克斯进入中国十余年,经历了多次的战略演变,但是由于市场定位的飘摇不定。

    Electrolux to enter China more than 10 years , has experienced a number of strategic evolution , but because of the precarious market position uncertain .

  5. 伊莱克斯称,这种几乎无声的吸尘器应用了一种专利技术,这种技术能够优化气流和吸力,同时还能降低噪音。

    Electrolux said the near-silent operation was based on a patented technology , which optimised air flow and suction while at the same time lowering the noise .

  6. 本论文选择了两个知名国际企业-伊莱克斯和宜家家居,就品牌核心价值和品牌资产营建工作,进行了深入分析研究。

    In this paper , two well-known international companies , Electrolux and IKEA , are analyzed , focusing on their brand core value and brand equity building .

  7. 通用电气公司早些时候曾计划将家电业务以33亿美元的价格卖给瑞典的伊莱克斯公司,不过在十二月份因为美国反垄断监管机构的反对而不得不取消了交易。

    GE announced plans earlier to sell the appliance business to Sweden 's Electrolux for 3.3 billion dollars . They called that off in December after opposition from American anti-trust regulators .

  8. 通过对伊莱克斯长沙工厂实施环境的分析,认为其看板流程可用于供应商到工厂、工厂内部以及工厂到顾客。

    Through the analysis to implementation environment in ELECTROLUX changsha factory , the KANBAN flow is considered to be used in interior factory , supplier and factory , and factory and customer .

  9. 结合竞争战略的三种类型,即成本领先战略、差异化战略和集中化战略对伊莱克斯在中国市场不同阶段的竞争战略、进行了分阶段的分析和评价。

    Combination of three types of competitive strategy cost leadership strategy , differentiation strategy and concentration on the Electrolux strategy in China at different stages of the competition strategy , carried out in stages of analysis and evaluation .

  10. 通过设计符号学、产品语义学、设计色彩学、伊莱克斯设计案例等理论和实践成功地回答了上述问题,并提出了我国艺术设计教育中存在的问题和解决方案。

    The questions were successfully answered by using the theories and the corresponding practices of the symbols design , products evolvement , color design and electrolux design case , and the problems in art design education of our country and the methods to solve them were proposed .